X-box live gamertag thread**edited with list**


so are you guys gonna play tonight ~10 or? :slight_smile:

im scottish >_<

count me out for tonight, i wont be home :frowning:

Let’s do the terrorist hunt.

np! you are about to get real comfortable with a shield :slight_smile:

anyone else should join in :stuck_out_tongue:

What time?

yyeah im in for tonight.

your all dead

:mamoru: Kev aways the comedian. If by “youre all dead” you mean we run around and kill you repeatedly in a fast and efficient manner then yes we are “all dead”


lol quiet.

3 of us doing terrorist hunt atm >:

although i keep getting smoked by my own teammate, resulting in death :\

i won for us… baller

wow uve moved up from being the target!!!

im impressed

there was 2 guys left which i would have killed but i wanted to be fancy and kill them with a frag :slight_smile:

no need for excuses cause u suck <3

YAY sureshot and i just beat the vault

hahahahahha u guys are still playing

nope now is prision break time!

word… also watching

i love the crazy guy… hes the best

hahahah he really is

oh and agent KIM is a douche bag

did anyone else think there was going to be a huge lovefest on the boat? that would have ruled.