X-box live gamertag thread**edited with list**

so whos playing tonight?

HAHHAHA… I am hitting the sheets early tonight because I have to be at work at 7… I am out til tomorrow.

ok whos gunna play tonight?

just got home… gotta shower. if i come back and it seems like enough people are gonna play…then i’ll be on. if not… then probably just gonna relax

k just shoot me a message if ur playing

ill be on kicking someones ass in burnout revenge

bump… ken and i will be on tonight around 9ish-10ish

who else is down. lets try and get a good turnout again.

oh… i would imagine kevin is down…

and i think matt said was gonna be on tonight too


Let’s just say, 10PM for R6? How does that sound?

i wont be on till later, ill check in and see if anyone is still on

im thinking more like 730pm –> ?

jon… im may hop on early with ya.

I’ll be on at 7ish.



oh god

play now bitchas!


hey im here.

ill be on in 10 if you wanna rumble


why arent we all playing together? skunk is on also… as is koop and his roomie