X-box live gamertag thread**edited with list**

i’ll be around tonight :slight_smile:

yeah ill be on after the game.


i sent several complaints too.

i felt better and less scared once i did that :slight_smile:

HOLLA 7pm sound very nice?

be on at 7 pm or my country will execute

I will be on after the game.

bump bump


alright all you fair weather fans, once the game is over lets get it on.

i’ll be ranking up till you guys come on

and tonight can less ppl stare at my tits? thanks.

im not making any guarantees

my connection was being lame, and now i gotta run :frowning:

ooo man… good times tonight!


good times tonight, except that tool that was banned. God i hate idiots.

the games last night were ‘meh’

i don’t like being on the team opposing my comrades!

i did get staff sergeant though.

probably wont be playing tonight… if i do itll be late

I will be on a lot, but not for multi player. It’s probably hard for who is on my team to see me with 3 kills and 12 deaths.

I will be practicing hard…very hard all weekend so I can come and play with some kind of skill. See ya after the weekend.

Meh, everyone starts like that. Or at least thats what I tell myself.


as long as you have someone on your team getting 25 kills and only dies 3 times your ok :poke:

dude skrappar…

dont play single player… its not entirely the same as playing multiplayer. i highly recommend playing terrorist hunts online with a couple friends. that way you get to play online with your buddies, you can try out different weapons… you get to learn the nuances (sp?) of the maps… and you can get used to getting in heavy firefights

i recommend switching to the MP9 submachine gun… it’s heavily used in the NYSpeed group- it’s hella accurate and you can just go full auto without there being much spray. when i started i was using some different assault rifles and would lose almost every firefight because only 2 or 3 bullets would be on target. it changes greatly with the MP9 and UMP.

ill play with you tonight after 9 or tomorrow before 7, if you want. last night for some reason you couldnt hear me talking though, which was a problem on streets… lol

I will be on all weekend…thanks for the advice.

:tup: :tup: