X-box live gamertag thread**edited with list**

i might be on for a bit after work

what happined to u last night?

lol… it was taking too long to load, and i was gonna tell you guys im gonna bail for a bit… but it was still loading, so i said scrwe it and just turned it off. i had to do somethings

yeah Jon lost the server somehow, sucks playing with ppl u dont know also. I like it much better with just us playing, no bullshit, no bitching. lol

I was having issues joining the games going on last night. I just ended up playing with some kid in the south talking about explosive diarrhea.


must have been an awesome session

lol, i had a guy msg me last night to play r6, his name was butt plug. Not sure how all these folks got my id or whatever, but hes now on ignore

i had the same guy msg me also i think. i ignored him also… just hope he isn’t an nyspeeder! lol.

where was that listing of the EXP necessary to move up ranks and shit?

page 14


thanks homie.

50k from raging bull. UGH. although i can wear the 3 hole baclava so when i kill you, you’ll only be able to see the whites of my eyes



ugh… i need to get a better rank.

god dont u ppl do anything but play r6 al day


haha ur one to talk

i play other stuff lol

i play NHL a lot… i have a season going

yeah i did too then it got boring

im playing battlestations:midway now its ok.

i only own > 1 < game.

i may buy another if im feeling frisky

omg i just played againt a team of 3 elite players.

If u wanna see how bad u really suck, play against those guys.



is “3 elite” a clan or something.

i heard they are bitches who only use the auto shotty