X-box live gamertag thread**edited with list**

I dont remember, around 9ish maybe?


Q: Can joo guyz stop lafing dood?


You should have corrected him on his use of puertorican killer. And make him call him self puerto rican that kills, cause clearly adam is the puerto rican killer.

PS puerto ricans have shitty internets.



that shit about the laughing was hysterical… i was holding it back to the point where i was almost crying :rofl:

as soon as the round starts rob and I start busting into hysterics :lol:

yea… i did kill roberto a good amount, that bastard. but the ohio state guy asked to be friends, lol… so i might be able to get us into another game with the puerto rican killazzzzzzzz

NICE!! I can’t wait, but that lag was sooooo bad.

BTW when you said, “we were trying to eat our tacos but coulden’t cause the lag was so bad” Then i nearly pissed my pants. I had to mute myself.

HAHAHAHAHA i want to get a game with them tonight…DO ITTTTTT


NICE!! I can’t wait, but that lag was sooooo bad.

BTW when you said, “we were trying to eat our tacos but coulden’t cause the lag was so bad” Then i nearly pissed my pants. I had to mute myself.


haha i forgot i said that shit… LOL

tonight will rulessssssssss i’m excited :slight_smile: :tup:

if we do end up playing with them tonight i think we need to change our names so it says [PRK] in the front… then when they ask we can all say PUERTO RICAN KILLAZZZZZZZZ

HAHAHAHHHAA That is soooooo on! That should be our clan name all the freakin time.

EDIT: and we need to end all of our names in O

hahaha yes… while talking to them today, i’m going to keep saying ‘caliente’ or whatever… what the hell was that one guys name

boriqua or whatever although we can all be muy caliente. OR Enfuego

i’ll just tell them my name… but i will use my mom’s maiden name… and they will think im one of them… :slight_smile:


i’ll just tell them my name… but i will use my mom’s maiden name… and they will think im one of them… :slight_smile:


savitsky does not sound costa rican or puerto rican dude. :slight_smile:

‘oi yey!’

We play them we have to host though cause man they sucked. Only 3 people stayed to finish that game.


as far as you guys know my last name is desantos

I’m down tonight, I can host too…

i tried adding you i think.

either way i’ll be game around 6

ok… using

Aaron Vargas tonight…

my mom’s maiden name FTW…

i will be like the MOLE on their team. They will bring me in since i am hispanic… treat me as one of their own. WE will share stories and good times from the past. then BAM…DEAD

… :snky:


ok… using

Aaron Vargas tonight…

my mom’s maiden name FTW…

i will be like the MOLE on their team. They will bring me in since i am hispanic… treat me as one of their own. WE will share stories and good times from the past. then BAM…DEAD

… :snky:



OMG and you have to IM us locations of their dudez


ok… using

Aaron Vargas tonight…

my mom’s maiden name FTW…

i will be like the MOLE on their team. They will bring me in since i am hispanic… treat me as one of their own. WE will share stories and good times from the past. then BAM…DEAD

… :snky:


so ur gunna get killed by totally different people now?

wow ur expanding :slight_smile:

LOL… i’ll have to get a good accent going… and good thing they cant see what i look like… cause since i dont look hispanic AT ALL… and look like a white boi… my cover would be blown