X-box live gamertag thread**edited with list**


think im done for the night


RB6 - Vegas

NHL 06

wish i could play right now :cry:


I was, I got off because after going to 5 rooms in a row of 12-15 year old kids who wouldnt shut up, I got fed up.


We were in that room for like 10 minutes we will eventually meet up do some terrorist hunt and get leveled up.

:word: i ranked up again last night, but overall it stunk… i was having issues hearing people randomly throughout the night :tup:

we were getting whooped in team sharpshooter on streets… till the last round when i went crazy with the shotty :\\\

will probably play more this weekend, probably tonight even


5 new maps coming soon for MP.



:word: i ranked up again last night, but overall it stunk… i was having issues hearing people randomly throughout the night :tup:

we were getting whooped in team sharpshooter on streets… till the last round when i went crazy with the shotty :\\\

will probably play more this weekend, probably tonight even


I couldent hear you last game. And nothing changed on either one of our sides. I have to be up mad early tomorro for rally-x so i may be up for a round or 10 later since i’m not going out.

Assassination mode - The goal of the Attackers is to eliminate a high-value asset of the Defenders, who in turn will try to defend and escort the VIP to his extraction Zone.


I call dibs on sniper!

lol. i’m glad they are adding new modes and stuff… i hope they switch up the terrorist spawns and shit for terrorist hunt, so it’s at least interesting, hah.

i’ll be the high ranking hot executive chick

Why do you always want to be a chick?

yea… adam… ur starting to worry me :ohnoes:

I’m about to hop on now for a bit…

i would like to go on now also…

but im at work :frowning:


Why do you always want to be a chick?


i get more kills than everyone else because the enemy ( usually some pre-teen hooligan ) gets a boner over staring at my e-titties. after shooting them in the face, i proceed to teabag.

then they can tell their friends they got a vag in the face and everyone ends up with what they want


I’ll be on in about 30-45 minutes.

I will be there as well if anyone wants to take pity on me :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah hop on terrorist hunt, it will rank you up a little quicker than getting blown up.

On my way