xbox 360 fs

this has been sitting in my tv cabinet since it was unpacked, since i can’t get my friends to buy a 360 i am selling mine.
its a halo edition xbox, comes with all the wires plus i think i have an hdmi cable somewhere i can throw in. also comes with the halo hd and halo controller and paper work/receipt if i can find it.

250 beans gets it sold.(paid 400+) its still under warranty


so what if your friends wont buy one the online gaming is fun as shit. Half my friends that have the 360 we never really play against each other and we also have different taste in games BURNOUT REVENGE RULES !!!

PS3 Do it.

will throw in a copy of call of duty world at war… the most recent call of duty game. the xbox will have the updates for this game… the 3 new map packs

How much for just COD:WaW i need another copy mine is shot.

250 and you can have a sweet halo xbox…

Come on dude i dont need another xbox

ok 200

if it is all scratched up bring it to a video rental place they can fix it for 3 dollars

Which video rental place?

most of them have a buffer for disks

ill give oyu a set of fat fives just sandblasted and painted cherry red

I have a card for GameCrazy for 5 free fixes. If I can find it you can have it. I have a cd repair thing, so I dont need it.

Sure ill take it if you got it.

ok halo 360 fs

fat fives for trade

no thank you

$100 cash today.

$101 cash today

suck it Wayne