Xbox 360 roll call - who got one?

HAHAHAHAHA Nice !!!Shift+1!!!

NFS looks much better than my lowly old computer :frowning:

You’ll have to wait for games to hit “Best of” or whatever MS calls there hits that they finally reduce the price like all the companies do. Otherwise they’ll stay at that prie for a while. Especially since they are new… they won’t drop till at least beginning of 2007 if not chirstmas of 2006.

can i come over and play

pm me

lol :smiley:

farking outstanding man, I bet you’re actually looking forward to those days when you get snowed in just so you have an excuse to play all day and get hammered :rofl:

Nice TV. I need a new one too.

damn…ima have to start saving then…Halo 3 is where its at…when they come out with it lol…i cant wait.

Nice, can’t say that i want one that badly but I wouldn’t mind playing it :wink:

Dam i should of got one but it went New snowmobile or 360

120hp snowmobile > way more fun than X 360 :slight_smile:

some crazy times last night…i thought i was gonna freeze to death. mike you need 2 post up the fridged pics:lol:

Shit looks good dawg ill be down later… i knew u were gonna go home,play xbox and go to sleep u fucker… you like noo nooo noo i got stuff to do i might just play iy for a littel bit and im not going to sleep:lol:

worst part about it for me was being up all night and then leaving CC parking lot and going right into work and just getting home now…dayum im tired

you guys are freaks

looks pimp

lucky bastages :smiley: lol

awesome… I want one, but not at that price

how do you like the wireless controllers?

I thought that it was going to have HDMI?

Getting $1400 back for your $600 360 with controller and 2 games > $600 towards snowmobile

Thanks dood, now I just have to get xbox live goin and my room will finally be set. :slight_smile: Thanks for hookin me up with that switch, now i just need a good router and im all set. :tup:

Thanks everyone else :smiley: Everyone that comes over loves how everythings set up, I have already had a few friends fall asleep on the couch cause it was so comfortable lol. :snky:

Im glad i got my x360 though, not that i am so desperate to play it right away, its just that i knew if i didnt get one now then i would probably have to wait til after the holidays to get one and i did not want to wait that long. Right now i am just being a bum and dont have to worry about school or work, so i wanted to have it now so i could play it now because once the new year rolls around it will be time to get back to school/work.

Oh and wireless controller = the shit :smiley: At the farthest point from the tv my couch is about 13 feet away from the tv, so its nice to not have to worry about a cord floppin around. Also nice to be able to turn on anf off the system by just holding a button on the controller. Nice feature that lazies like me will use :tup:

Oh and yeah it has No HDMI. Kind of a bummer, but after setting up my screen to run my games in 1080i, i have absolutely no complaints using the component cables :tup:

It will be a nice time waster this winter when we get crapped on with snow and i dont feel like skiing :smiley: I should have a domestic thug night get some tugs over to play NFS and talk smack about whos car will own in 06 :smiley: