Xbox One

Basically the tech support just confirmed the situation with Xbone.

It is true for 360 already and it is even truer for Xbone cause in addition to all your XBLA games, all your so called Xbone “disk base” games is all license based since they are tied to YOUR account as soon as you install it in the Xbone (you DON’T have a choice to not install and you can’t just play the game off this disk, Xbone game disk per Microsoft is nothing more than a delivery vehicle for content. Everything you “buy” will be tied to your account).

It is the norm and understandable if you are banned, you will be deny access to multiplayer online (like Steam), but completely brick your system and deny access on every game you “own” for offline** use and single player? You tell me if that is not anti-consumer.

**Sorry I use the word offline, which is wrong; everyone knows there is no such thing as playing offline for Xbone.

Pushing an all digital ecosystem per Microsoft is “The Future” and “for your convenience”, that is just a front. What going all digital really means is now they have a new level of control, a kill switch to everything you own.