

Windows 98?


Probably beats OSX. What a burning POS this can be.

That’s not Win98, it’s Win2k!

:word: now are you 1337 enough to tell the sp?

Shitty OS, Shitty car, what was the point here?

I swear to god I’ve never met a prelude owner I liked.

Now I don’t know who you think you are, mister, but every time I have met Xeon he has been a very chill dude.

actually, win2k is a pretty solid platform.

Heh, XP with all the BS dumbed down > win2k

ok and?

Yeah, It is just as good as WinME
(calling JCUZ)

I’ve never had a problem with winME, thats why I unloaded shitty XP off of my comp. Anywho Xeon is a very chill person, and his prelude was quite the masterpiece.

winME > Xp

i was thinking more along the lines of “supercar” but masterpiece is good too

poor wide body skyline tail light accord head light shaved molded everrthing swapped turbo prelude :frowning: i miss it… not the problems or the worries of driving over a pot hole but she was a good car… ehhh i like meh Z better :slight_smile:

what wound up happening to that thing?

shes with some dude who just got back from iraq and bought it off me off ebay for a good dollar

If win ME is soo good… then how come Microsoft has apologized for its crappyness.

did you lose your ass on it real bad or what?