Xmas sweaters - where do I get one

I need one or two for all the Xmas parties coming up. Where can I find one?

Like Clark Griswald ? Maybe Eddie Bauer At The Outlet Mall

I want the cheesiest sweater ever literally Santa that says ho ho


Awesome walmart will be cheap too!

I looked around for one of these and couldn’t find one.Its amazing that in this troubled economy they bring $100-$200 on ebay.:lol:

i saw an ugly ass one at urban outfitters. I was thinking about getting one for the holidays :slight_smile:

salvation army! or your parents/grandparents closet

I need to go look too, I was thinking a thrift store. I wanted to get the one that lights up but apparently those all caught on fire and the company went out of business…

I’ve been looking locally and kind of screwed myself. We have an ugly Christmas sweater party this Saturday so eBay is out of the question as I don’t want to rely on the sender to get it here in time and yet Salvation Army is fresh out and WalMart had jack.

You need to go to a store old people shop at, like kmart

fuck covering up danny.

this would be a much better look for you


I’ve got an ugly christmas sweater party next weekend. Went to it last year too. Salvo FTW.

Ugly xmas sweater party? HMMMMMMMMMM. I like this idea.

LOL I’ll probably just buy an arguile(sp?) sweater

No to the vest idea I have a military xmas and a bar party

prolly ur closet fGt

i am DJing an ugly sweater party saturday (20th)

people better go hard i wanna see some lights in action

:word: Cheesy and cheap!

Salvo down here negative. Random Thirft Stores, negative. Kmart had a couple but just females… sigh.

Anyone have any luck finding sweaters this year? I need some ASAP.