Good stores for wig and 70's attire???

Some friends and I are dressing up as the Channel 4 news team for Halloween this weekend and I’ll be Brian Fantana. I’ve already got the mustache and chops grown in, but need a convincing wig and some good 70’s attire…I’d really like to find a fat tie…anyone know of some good places to check??? I’ve gone to Party City and a few other Halloween stores but didn’t have much luck for the wigs there and will be going to Salvation Army type stores too.

salvation army is most likey tapped out, unless you get to one that isnt easily accessible to college students.


Where’s Marty’s? I found some good clothing tonight…now I’m mainly looking for a wig. Spencers had a few but they didn’t work out…

halloween store on walden.

No dice…I actually picked upo a wig there but it doesn’t look like it’ll work…:frowning:

there’s another halloween store in erie pa…but that’s a drive for you…

online for 2 day shipping you could do too


martys = martys formal wear on main st williamsville

theres a 70’s place on Main st clarence. Something “…attic” forgot what it was called and i believe a place on Elmwood (“Don Apparel”)was good too. Your doing this at the wrong time of year for sure, The stupid disco is coming up and that is the busy season for these stores.


try there

Ask your parents? Try Salvation Army and Amvets…any Thrift store really…

Parents live in MN…I’ve gone to most places mentioned in this thread and plan to hit up the rest tonight. Clothing is pretty much taken care of…WIG is now the most important thing!!! The two I’ve picked up already aren’t workin’ out so well.

o man we were gonna be the same thing. we’ve been watching the movie like twice a week, practicing the song and everything. then one roomate decides he cant get off work for the party. what a let down.

hope you find what you need!

:rofl: I can see this.

We’ll be in DC for the weekend so at least we won’t run into one another!!! If so we’d probably have to re-enact the fight scene…only it would be channel 4 vs. channel 4:eekdance:

Yeah dude! I got the mustache and chops all ready to rock…haven’t shaved in about 2 weeks.