70s Clothes

Where can I buy some clothes that are in the 70s style? Louie and I are giving a presentation in school about the 70s and need some clothing ideas. I was thinking something along the lines of a butterfly collar shirt and a plaid suit but obviously those are hard to come by these days - especially in my size. I am also looking for ideas for the 2 girls in our group. What were some styles from the 70s for women?

Can someone post up some pics of 70s style clothes for men and women? Maybe someone has some clothes they would lend out? Or know of a place we can order something? I was thinking maybe picking one or two of these up: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320162234363.

man you need to hit a goodwill or the red white and blue on 65 in bellevue…they got the funky 70s clothes…in 1978 there is a photo of me in a purple velvet leisure suit…btw

Crimes Of Fashion, Forbes Ave just off CMU campus. Everything is authentic, catalogued by decade

i have an olive green bell bottom 3 piece suit that was my friends dads but it is pretty small

Do you know much about what they have in stock? What about pricing?

I will definitely check out a few good will stores, I was just past the Red, White and Blue store yesterday but was running late for class. All of the Good will stores around me are small and don’t keep much of the really old stuff in stock so I will have to head towards the city anyways i think.

69camero - thanks, but if it is even remotely a little bit small it won’t fit my ass.

They have TONS of 50/60/70/80’s clothes. Some can be pricey, some are dirt cheap. It would take you a long time to pick through everything. I also have a 70’s sweater with big collar (size M or L) and matching brown Sans-A-Belt bell bottoms, size 33) You are welcome to use them if you need to.

dony bother trying the one on mcknight, we went there for halloween…they didnt have anything.

Thanks for the heads up. I was thinking about swinging by there while I was down in the city area. I’ll take that off my itinerary.

Question to those of you who grew up in this era. Can you give me 1 or two quick things that you really remember? Just some major event that jumps out at you. I am mentioning the Vietnam War, so maybe some ‘overall thoughts’ on that as a society as a whole. I am hoping I don’t miss something obvious that would be good for a presentation on the subject. I just need to talk about inventions and major events.

I am still looking for some huge gold chains… but here is what I ended up with:

Just an FYI to finish off this thread: Louie and I presented this yesterday and we kicked ass.

Cool, it looks like you got a sweater under that outfit, lol. Glad the presentation went well.

I agree =) One more class out of the way! Good job John.