XV6700 Tomorrow, Treo Is Getting Returned

You’ll get a custom title of your choice for doing this…

IN IN IN i had a login is it still good? PM me

p.s. found the pic id setting thanks

no i changed ftp servers, plus my ip changed when adelphia fucked all my shit up.

ill pm you guys when i get home and make them.

Thanks Kevin…


i told you the 700 sucked, i know people who have been having lock up/freezing problems almost every other day.

I was having none of the typical 700w problems, it was just not enough phone for the price. I would have stuck with it if the XV6700 didn’t exist.

dude i just got raped, i wanted to use this for bluetooth tethering on my laptop, i get to the office, mind you i never turned bluetooth on in my laptop, becuase i never had a need, so i go to the bluetooth toshiba APP which i had seen in my menus before, and try to start it, it keeps giving me errors, then i look it up online, my laptop didnt come with it… toshiba includes the app on all laptops WTF :frowning:

now i gotta cable it, which isn’t bad, but just not l337

Awe… :wiggle:

so what ppc apps do you reccomend of the 20 gigs you have lol

just get a bluetooth usb adaptor for the laptop

any of the office apps, anything from rosco also, just look around, theres tons there, plus i got tons of GPS stuff too.

PMs sent

IN for ftp access


also in

hook up the leader of the 6700 revolution

btw, ive had no problem of using wireless and calls at the same time…jeff can attest to it as well as he kept texting me while i was browsing at brennans…

what did ya’ll pay for this pos? im fucking not in my rebate yet…

yea, i think its the difference of sprint/vzw

there is a hack out for it to take care of this issue.

I just fired up the wireless here at the ritz and it’s rock solid. I could not have been more happy with this phone!!