Another One...

My XV6700 screen took a shit on me today so I am getting my 4th one. This device is not made very well.

You have to stop using it to beat your subordinates. Use a keyboard instead, I’ve found they last longer and do more damage.

And I’ll take this as a warning to get the equipment replacement plan when I get one next week :smiley:

seriously, wtf do you do with yours? thats not right at all…

blackberry > 700w > your shit


its a LG

It’s not an LG. It’s an HTC.

Treo 700w has 24mb of free memory where the HTC has 48 so the Treo < XV6700

thats as bad as my POS and the buttons randomly not working

im on #3

I haven’t had issues at all, i’ve dropped mine several times.
