*Phone nerds* come inside please :P

Okay so, long story short; the wifey and I bought RAZR V3Cs and she’s not all that happy with her’s.

Apparently the menus are too big of an adjustment from her samsung so she’s not really feelin’ it… wtf.

Round 2:

She’s picking up her new TSX at the end of the month and she wants her phone to be compatible with her car (obviously); so here are the choices she has other than the RAZR:

Choice 1) Palmone Treo 700w: +more ergonomic and easier to use with one hand vs other pda phones
Choice 2) Moto E815: +easier to navigate menus than the RAZR
Choice 3) Samsung i730
Choice 4) HTC (LG?) XV6700

Her other options are the moto v710 or the blackberry 7250 but she really has no interest in either of them.

She’s leaning towards the 700w and I’m looking for a little help pushin’ her towards it. I know some people on here have the 700w and the XV6700; right? Any personal insight would be great.

Thanks guys. :stuck_out_tongue:

Uh, why does having a TSX changed or determine what kind of phone you have? Does it have built in bluetooth or something?

Anyway, I would not recommend the 700W. Small screen, low memory, small buttons.

XV6700 is much better but the stylus has a tendency to get loose in the holster. The battery life blows too.

Unless your wife is a somewhat savy user, I would get her the E815 and call it a day. Simple, reliable, etc…

BTW, LG has nothing to do with the XV6700… All LG phones are VX… :wink:


yeah built-in bluetooth; only compatible with 7 verizon phones though. calls come right up on the gauge cluster and shit.

i was more or less wondering about who made the xv since i’ve never heard of them…

thanks for the info. :tup:

edit: she’s somewhat tech savy.

if she got a pda phone, she could install her medical reference software on it(which would mean that i’d inherit her ipaq.) :snky: bonus :wink:

i love my treo. i havent messed with the 700’s much, but i love the 600/650’s. and i remember hearing the are releasing a palm based 700. go with the treo. i’ll never buy another flip phone again.

i have droped my e815 20 foot off a ladder onto a side walk. it blew apart in about 4 peices. I clicked it all back together and put the battery back in and it still hasn’t missed a beat. Only think i don’t like about it is the ringer isn’t that loud and you can’t feel the vib. But its a very clear phone and gets grat receptopn.

my treo 600 is like 3 years old, barely ever freezes, i drop it all the time, and it gets great reception, ringer is loud, speakerphone is so fucking clear its unreal… if she can deal with the extra size, go with the pda phone. i love it. hopefully when i upgrade to the 650 soon, i’ll be just as impressed.


6700 crew 4l

I had a Treo 650

depending on how tech savvy your wifey is

Any pocketpc version of anything is going to be a bit of a learning curve.

I like the xv6700, i like the fact that my fat fingers can type on it. If your wife doesn’t really care about anything other than the phone itself - a treo may be better. It’s not as clunky as the xv, and doesn’t need to “open up and get bigger” to type. I typically found myself one handing a lot of shit with the treo, it’s a bit more difficult with the xv.

Treos are more of a “stylish phone” than the xv I’d say. But in terms of functionality and overall power usability, the XV all the way.

I have yet to see a girl with an xv, btw.

Most girls who have PDA phones either have Blackberry 8700cs or Treos.

There are a FUCKLOAD of girls around here who have PDA phones… you have no idea…

i vote 815 for simplicity.

by the way, audiovox made the xv6700.

and i have a feeling that more than just those 7 phones would work.

ive set up a few different phones on bluetooth cars and never had any problems.

was the razr software .04? that helps out the menus a lot.

where would i find that? i have… S/W Version 01.15.04 – is that it?

yea i believe so.

(im not much of a fan of the menu’s myself) the 815 has the old moto menus

i’d bet that more would work at least partially. those are the only phones acura shows on the website with full functionality though.

http://www.acura.com/models/handsfreelink/hfl_index.asp?referrer=acura go to find a phone/carrier/verizon

She ended up buying the Treo 700w. She’s playin’ with it right now…

Thanks for the insight guys, she’s really happy with it (so far…lol). :tup:

I’ve had a Treo for the last 5+ years - 300 / 600 / currently rocking the 650.

Work gave me a BB 7100i.

Based on everyday use, nothing else makes my life easier than the Treo. I plan on getting the new 700p once the initial wave of early adopter issues get resolved.

I’m sure your wife will be more than satisfied by her purchase.

OT - it’s comforting to see that 1/2 of the phones out here in the Bay Area are Treos.

Her treo is a totally different monster than your old ones dood…

I like treos but my fingers are way too fat for that thing, plus with all the other apps that I installed on it it kept blowing up, POS

damn this thing is tits.

i want one too.

i don’t want to spend the $$$ though… :meh: