Cell phone recommendation

My stepdaughter used my Verizon phone upgrade so I’m going to use my parent’s (they don’t like change :slight_smile: ). I’d like a QWERTY keyboard, maybe a semi-decent camera, and relatively cheap. I don’t use it for business email, music, etc. 80% of the time my text reply to my wife is “OK”, so my needs are simple.

From what I’ve read:
LG enV3 - shuts down a lot, makes random calls in pocket.
Motorola Rival, Samsung Alias 2, Samsung Rogue - all seem mediocre.
LG enV TOUCH - seems like my best choice.

Any comments?

i have the rogue and i love it

I hate the Dare. It shuts down alot & now the touch screen is not working where the #2 is. It is a PITFA.

That being said, Verizon don’t have anything I really like. The Motorola Droid is too big & expensive, the HTC Droid is only touchsreen like my Dare :frowning:

i had the lg env touch. I hated it. Had alot of problems lik freezing randomely and the touch screen sometimes wouldnt function. When i had the env touch i missed my voyager.

my parents have the rogue, and they have had no problems with it, seems like a great phone.

my friend has the env3, and it has problems ONLY when the sd card is in it, if she takes the card out it will work with no problems, but when she uses it, sometimes the phone will lock up/shut off randomly.

Sounds like I should check out the Rogue.

my mom has a rouge, its an alright phone, but i hate resistive touch screens…they always suck…same with my wifes Instinct2

I’m screwed anyway. As of Jan. 18 if you get a smartphone or multimedia phone you have to get a data plan with them. So I can only upgrade to a basic phone. I think there’s only one that has a QWERTY keyboard. I’m tempted to cancel my phone just out of spite.

I have an enV touch. About 97% of the time it works great, but it will freeze up on you every once in awhile. Turn it off and then on again, or unhook the battery and its fine again. Texting on the touch screen can be tricky if you have big hands, its much easier for me to flip open the phone and use the internal keypad. Other than that, the camera works well, has speaker phone if you flip it open during a call, and has a decent amount of memory even without an SD card. Only drawback I can really think of… is the pocket dialing, but you get that with almost any touchscreen phone.

Looks like my choices are the Motorola Rival (which doesn’t require a data plan) or the Samsung Intensity. I know, this seems like ancient technology to most of you. The Motorola sounds like it’s crappy, so I guess the Samsung.



i have the droid its not too big…and i have no problems with it what so ever and i have had it since it first came out

had the env touch. hated it. it broke weekly. but i do use my phones lot.

now have the rouge. its alright. nothing special. the camera is fairly nice. the screen is starting to become a bit jittery though. if i slide it open to fast or hard, it either locks the screen or the screen image moves sideways and i have to restart the phone.

i dont really recommend either one.

I have the samsung intensity that looks like the one pictured below its black with orange but its not a touch screen its the nicest phone you can get without the data plan. I like it alot. you just have to reprogram the short cut buttons so you dont accidentially get on the internet when its in your pocket. overall really good battery life and its a practical phone with no data plan needed !

also have the droid and i love this phone does everything but give you a blowjob but you can surf caigslist on it if you want that so i guess it does basically everything