I need a new phone : Verizon

I am ready to get a new phone since my current one is abused and half of the buttons dont work.

Here is what I need.

MUST BE A PHONE FIRST…I had a 6700 with the slide out keyboard, windows OS, and it was not a good phone which is its primary function.

Good internet browsing capability and email

full keyboard for texting/typing email.

Decent camera is helpful but not a must.

One of the Env’s? The OS is lacking but they seem to work well as a phone

I have the EnV2 now and like it for all things except the buttons have failed me several times.

smartphone or no

EnV Touch or wait til October in hopes Verizon really does get the new iPhone.

they wont. and the iphone is not a phone first.

I like gadgets…just need it to be a good phone first…I am on the phone alot for work during the day and when I had my 6700 it was not a very good phone and it was frustrating trying to conduct business and it shutting off or auto dialing someone from my pocket.

if you dont mind the data plan, honestly, try a BB.

I’ve had nothing but good luck with my curve. The tour looks like its doing great.

avoid the storm.

I have a smartphone that is an awesome phone…palm centro

Just buy a good piece of hardware. Blackberry and palm phones both get :tup: from me

BlackBerry Tour is pretty nice. We upgraded from WinMo phones to BlackBerry phones here at work and everyone LOVES them.

Sounds like I will have to make a trip to the store and check out the BB’s in person.

Pearl flip sounds right up your alley. Gadgety, but phone first. Clamshell so no ass dialing.

Sounds kinda gay…Is this a mans phone? :stuck_out_tongue:

I used one for a few days. I kinda liked it, but felt kinda dirty…

switched back to my curve though.




I much prefer a full keyboard as well…so I might have to check out the curve

the keyboard is actually very good. suretype is great.

its kinda nice to be able to read BBMs/SMS/Email on the front screen

you dont have to worry about a keygaurd either.

Truth…worth checking out for sure but I am leaning BB territory

that is a blackberry

but i agree, full qwerty > that