Anyone own a RAZR phone?

Hello- I am in the market for a new cell phone. My provider is Verizon and have it narrowed down to the RAZR or the samsung [color=black] sch-a970…Does anyone here own wither of these phones??? If so, I would like to hear your reviews on them…I bought a shitty phone about a year ago and had nothing but troubles…Thanks![/color]

i use to have it, it is a great phone, i really like it. i got rid of it cuz every one has it now.

No bluetooth! :frowning:

i love mine.


OH NO!!! god forbid people have the same phone as you


lol word.

But seriously, Josh OnyxZ32 just said the exact same thing to me the other day. I guess that the early adapters when it comes to technology have to always be one step ahead of the curve.

good thing you drive a Lexus IS300…b/c they only ever sold 1


on fire today lol

and the razr does have bluetooth

and why the fuck cant drdos own a cellphone that other people have?

The RAZR has been the best phone I’ve ever owned in several respects, but I think the sales of the phone speak for it. It worked so well and the design was so good that Moto had to flood the market with them, get the price down and bite me in the ass (read below.)

You just don’t understand Skunk…

When I bought my RAZR in SEPTEMBER 05, Moto said that this was going to be their “Class-Level” phone… never to be sold under ~$600 and limited production…

… I bought it the day it was released in Hong Kong… and I got PWNED. Never mind how much they cost back then.

Now everyone, even Verizon people can buy the phone for ~$100 / contract.

Go figure, Motorola was the last american-based brand I was loyal to. :roll2:



If you let your cell phone dictate how classy you are…you need to get a grip

Not the case - I’ve always bought the top-of-the-line Motorola phones for years now. Each one has lasted me about 3-4 years (average life of a LI battery.) I’ve never had problems with my phone service / reception because I’ve never owned a base model phone. I been able to keep my phones for several years, and even sell them after since they were built for quality not quantity.

With the RAZR, I bought a phone that would last me several years and still hold value. Kinda analogous to cars… ?

If you bought the phone for resale value, I guess it kinda sucks…but you can’t really blame moto for making something people want then selling as many as possible…I mean even if they lose you, and all those like you, they still make more money.

I’m selling my one from Cingular

selling because im switching providers

im also thinking of this samsung phone

Resale value isn’t as big as the limited production part.

  • I buy Moto phones for several years and have no problems.
  • I find out Moto is releasing a high end phone, and it will be limited production
  • Based on my previous satisfaction, I decided to shell out the $$ for one.
  • Moto changes their mind, decides to mass-produce them
  • I’ve overpaid for something that is now not worth it.

and you are so original buying an evo