XXX***PINKS VIDEO***XXX better version.

well all I need to see is the XXX to know what you have been up to… We need to talk when i get home…

get your mind out of the gutter, i used them to diffrentuate my better pinks video from the others.



id hit the hoties section and rub one out before she gets home…

your in trouble for it alredy may as well do it, that way you’ll be getting yelled at for somthing you did, rather than defending yourself cause you didnt and still not getting any tonight…


That was great!

i’m already in trouble from yesterday… while working outside yesterday i pull my gloves off and my wedding ring came off and i did not notice till a hr later. now i can’t find it. she has been ragging on me for about a yr to get it resized to fit.

wow, hope u find that!!!

ya, seriously dude i hope it turns up, shit ill drive out there and help you find it, if it saves you from her wrath…


hahaha sorry had to do it.

should have lied an told her it was at the jewlers geting resized and cleaned for your up coming anniversary, :kekegay:

i’m still looking for it, i’m gonna try toi get a metal detector to search for it.

in the mean time, i made an appointment for thursday to get a ring tattoo’ed on my finger with her name and year we got married, that should help.

holy shit why dont you see if you can just get her sewn to your side… :dunno:

i joined pittspeed after the pinks project. im glad they won,. i don’t have speakers on my computer, so will someone please tell me what that light was in the mustang?

in the car or in the engine bay? shift light on inside, fire on engine.

Nice work Pittspeed!!! :hail:


you should have tagged it better on google video!

sux being left out, doesnt it…

I love it when he got 11 cars in the end and they show that little clip comimg from the stang over to see the 240 freaking blowing past with no mercy… once again good Job to all who had a piece of this…

Featured Content on Myspace Link to the kid of said it’s myspace lol

it’s not mine, got it from vwsport

I lost my original wedding ring working on my sho about 6 years ago and still hear about it. good luck finding it.