Inspired by how offended people were in the “Its fun to stay at the” thread…

Check this out. It makes me laugh more than nyspeed.

All about people who are looking to god to help them stop masturbating…you’ve got to be shitting me…

Check out the “prayer wall” Hours of entertainment for the whole family!

I fell back into porn. I tend to blame it on my wife becoming depressed and becoming less and less interested in sex. I know that I play a large part in my behaviors. However, I still struggle being sexually aroused by my wife and then rejected every time. Please pray for some change. This has been going on for a long time.


divorce lol

Pssshhhh… Jerkin the gerkin ftmfw :tup:

i thought you were a jesus freak. you can’t jerk the gerk because it’s wasting the seed and the seed is god’s gift to you. burn in hell sinner.


snapin’ the meat till the cows come home. FTW!