Okay…I know I’m going to get some shit for this…
I read comic books.
I’ve been trying to break into writing comics for a living, and aside from getting a deal with a company that went bankrupt three weeks later, I’ve been unsuccessful.
Every Wednesday I pick my books up at Bill & Walt’s in North Hills. I read New X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, The Authority, Ultimate X-Men, and random various Vertigo, WildStorm, and other books… which leads me to the topic of this post: Y: The Last Man.
I’ve been picking this up in trade paperbacks collecting five issues each. If anyone here’s remotely interested in reading anything other than car magazines and factory service manuals, I highly recommend picking it up. It reads like an action movie. A plague kills every man on Earth except one: Yorick Brown. Instead of it being like a bad porno where he’d have to screw thousands of chicks, he’s spending his time running from radical feminists who want him dead, mercenaries from other countries who want to kidnap him to repopulate their countries, and all kinds of other bizarre bullshit…
okay…i feel like a dork now… 
ive never read a comic book in my life or heard of someone wanting to become an aspiring comic book writer! its different:bigok:
Originally posted by TwoForty
ive never read a comic book in my life or heard of someone wanting to become an aspiring comic book writer! its different:bigok:
it pays well… the guy who spent millions on mark mcguire’s home run balls a few years ago (Todd McFarlane) created Spawn and used to draw Spiderman and The Incredible Hulk. He also has a massive action figure corporation.
yes being a comic book writer is different and i guess that also takes good drawign skills. you comfortable showin any drawings?a kid that i went to highschool with was fuckin amazing.
i like those types of drawings just never read any comics in my life. watched an episode of x-men once though.
Originally posted by flyinglow57
yes being a comic book writer is different and i guess that also takes good drawign skills. you comfortable showin any drawings?a kid that i went to highschool with was fuckin amazing.
the writer and penciler are usually two different guys…usually it’s a hell of a lot easier to find one good writer and one good artist than someone who’s good at both. the writer writes the script, the penciler draws it, then the inker embellishes the pencils, then the colorist colors the art, then the letterer letters the dialogue balloons and narration.
Originally posted by ShalerPunk
the writer and penciler are usually two different guys…usually it’s a hell of a lot easier to find one good writer and one good artist than someone who’s good at both. the writer writes the script, the penciler draws it, then the inker embellishes the pencils, then the colorist colors the art, then the letterer letters the dialogue balloons and narration.
and i thought it all came from one dude at a desk with a pencil! this comic talk reminds me over the movie Cool World, you guys see that?
Originally posted by TwoForty
and i thought it all came from one dude at a desk with a pencil! this comic talk reminds me over the movie Cool World, you guys see that?
a loooooong time ago…
Chasing Amy is actually a fairly realistic representation of the comic book production process… without the lesbians and the angst…
Kevin Smith (who wrote + directed all of the Jay + Silent Bob movies, and also plays Silent Bob) has written quite a few comics himself.
Originally posted by ShalerPunk
a loooooong time ago…
Chasing Amy is actually a fairly realistic representation of the comic book production process… without the lesbians and the angst…
Kevin Smith (who wrote + directed all of the Jay + Silent Bob movies, and also plays Silent Bob) has written quite a few comics himself.
i have a friend that is obsessed with jay and silent bob.i never thought they were that funny
Originally posted by TwoForty
i have a friend that is obsessed with jay and silent bob.i never thought they were that funny
a friend and i drove to Jersey to go to the Quik Stop from Clerks… I got a Mountain Dew there…
that was all we did there… other than go to the Secret Stash and not spend a cent.
oh you just trace what he draws :tounge: 
Originally posted by TwoForty
ok obsessed?
trying to get my mind off of shit. my 1984 Civic 1500S blew up (my ultra-pimp $300 carb’d ‘racecar’) and i just about had a nervous breakdown, so we drove to Jersey because I was freaking out and stuff.
Okay, now see this? This is a four
way road, okay?
Banky draws a four-way stop. He illustrates according to
his voice-over.
And dead in the center, is a crisp,
new, hundred dollar bill. Now at the
end of each of the streets, are four
people, okay? You following? Up
here, we got a male-affectionate, easy-
to-get-along-with, no political agenda
lesbian. Okay? Now down here, we
have a man-hating, angry-as-fuck,
agenda-of-rage, bitter dyke. To this
side, we got Santa Claus, right? And
over to this side - the Easter Bunny.
Banky finishes drawing. Holden’s shaking his head
Which one's going to get to the
hundred dollar bill first?
What is this supposed to prove?
I'm serious. This is a serious
exercise. It's like an S.A.T.
question. Which one's going to get to
the hundred dollar bill first - the
male-friendly lesbian, the man-hating
dyke, Santa Claus, or the Easter
(beat; then pissed)
The man-hating dyke.
Good. Why?
I don't know.
(wildly crossing out the
other three)
this has to be one of the best parts 
Originally posted by Sight N Sound
this has to be one of the best parts
wow…we agree on something!! :eek3:
Mallrats, Dogma, J&SB>*
( ive never watched clerks the whole way through, and i havent yet seen chasing amy… )
Originally posted by Darkstar
Mallrats, Dogma, J&SB>*
( ive never watched clerks the whole way through, and i havent yet seen chasing amy… )
Mallrats > Clerks > Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back > Chasing Amy > Dogma