Ya so..............

I have good job interveiw at 830am today and this girl i ma interested in and a few friends said let’s go to the monkey bar…well… i planned on leaving at like 10 or 11 but um ya…next thing i know there are like 5 shots being bought for me at like 12 or so n beers as well and i didnt get home till nowe to printo ut my resume and i have to be there at 830 and wake up at 630 to get ready and leave. Wish me luck becasue i have a nice buzz on! LMMFAFX100!

good work… you are my hero. drinking before an interview is a great idea

:rofl: good luck.

btw… do you eat at kfc in bethel like everyday? any time i see your car out its coming out of the drive thru lol

good luck with that

goooood luck with that

Just as i suspected, a lil fuzzy but i feel much better now. I’m AOK,good to go roger, over and out…


Break a leg

next thread = interviewer could smell the booze on me and I didn’t get the job :frowning:

the answer is yes, he does! everytime i talk to him he’s either on his way there or home from there.

x2 good luck

Thats what i was thinkin when u told me Mac wanted you to go to the Monkey Bar. Hopfully you mouthwashed the shit out of urself and chewed gum on the way (even thouh it still reeks through pours.)

If the interview is for beer-taster then the smell of alcohol shouldn’t be a problem. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

This is youthful irresponsibility at it’s finest. Good luck, hope you don’t reek.

Good Luck Devin


and monkey bar wings :yum:

I didn’t reek like booze, shower, mouthwash and gum chewing FTW. No sweating either so it was good, they seemed to like me and i had a sit down with the manager of the dept i was being interveiwed for and it was his first one so he was the one who was nervous, not me. LOL All in all i think i made a good impression with them and i didn’t even have to bring out the raising of the roof dance for them like i planned on last night…

KFC u say? I hit it up once in awhile when i want to eat fast food since it is the only fast food i eat at all anymore, go me…

Details of job?

Your fav place…NREIS, Post Closing Clerk for Country Wide division

Cool, it is a fun place to work like I said. Decent amount of hot chicks too. Who did you interview with?

Jennifer Mcginnery and the Manager was Chris something, i never caught his last name.