Year end / Christmas Bonus...


I knew i could get one good comment for me to slaughter. Lets see here buddy i am not loaded and i do not even recieve a christmas bonus. I am in the Army serving in Iraq. My point is that i will have a bonus someday and i will make alot of money. This are things i will accomplish and when i dont they will be my problem and my fault. If you do not get a $100,000 bonus and want one then you simply are not trying hard enough and havent taken the time to make yourself that desireable is all. What percent of people that get great bonuses do you think it is because of their family and what percent is from that person being ambitious, dedicated, marketable, and eductaed. People like you crack me up. Its like when a guy in a Ferrari drives by you would be the one to say “must be nice.” I would be the one to say “I am prepared to make the changes in my life so that i can obtain my own Ferrari.” This concept might not make sense to you lol.(no hate just think about it man)


agree 100%

every day im realizing shit like that more and more… hence my sig