Year end / Christmas Bonus...


OK I get it. The actual acquisition transaction doesn’t affect the income statement. Credit cash, debit assets. Doesn’t affect the income statement.

Cool. I was hoping they didn’t smoke our profit sharing by doing that.

EDIT: Nope, not quite. I cracked open my accounting book and now I think I’ve got it. It will show up, but like you said there will be an equal gain and loss of assets so there will be no net effect.


UNLESS, it changes the formula for the bonus.
If they bought a failing company and based bonuses on the whole enchilatta(sp) you might get screwed.
I seriously doubt they would do that but you know how evil corporations are.


UNLESS, it changes the formula for the bonus.
If they bought a failing company and based bonuses on the whole enchilatta(sp) you might get screwed.
I seriously doubt they would do that but you know how evil corporations are.


my point was that it would have to be wildly awful to have any significant impact on current year income, since it was made in month 12 of 12. which is doubtful. especially considering the size of praxair in comparison to the size of the acquisition. small drop in a large bucket.

bottom line? dont worry, this acquisition will not effect your bonus in any substantial way.


Plus they didn’t actually buy the other company, they entered into a partnership by acquiring 50% ownership. So yeah, this will probably have no effect really.

only been at my job for a year…last xmas we got 250$ cause we didnt have a formal party…dont know whats going on this year, i would rather have the bonus…plus i make a bonus every month, and seeing as to how i have been there a year now i qualify for profit sharing and 401(k) and shit…not to mention i have had full benefits since i started working there…way to go RV sales…still hate the job though


xmas and 4th 1/4 (combined) should be close to a direct match of my salary for 2007 :slight_smile:


I’m hoping to catch some of the cash as it spills off Joe’s desk and onto mine.


im betting the majority of you peepz talking smack about others getting pissed off only have their job because of a connection through family or friends. so there is a valid reason to get pissed off when they could do your job better than you but dont get the opportunity to try because your boss did an employee a favor and hired your ass. people cant put themselves in a position to pop out the right crotch.

and before you get all defensive…i work for my family. but im not gunna gloat about what benefits i get from it. im sure there are people on this board who get bonuses that total more than i make in a year. its all relative…remember someone always has a bigger cock than you.


I knew i could get one good comment for me to slaughter. Lets see here buddy i am not loaded and i do not even recieve a christmas bonus. I am in the Army serving in Iraq. My point is that i will have a bonus someday and i will make alot of money. This are things i will accomplish and when i dont they will be my problem and my fault. If you do not get a $100,000 bonus and want one then you simply are not trying hard enough and havent taken the time to make yourself that desireable is all. What percent of people that get great bonuses do you think it is because of their family and what percent is from that person being ambitious, dedicated, marketable, and eductaed. People like you crack me up. Its like when a guy in a Ferrari drives by you would be the one to say “must be nice.” I would be the one to say “I am prepared to make the changes in my life so that i can obtain my own Ferrari.” This concept might not make sense to you lol.(no hate just think about it man)


I knew i could get one good comment for me to slaughter. Lets see here buddy i am not loaded and i do not even recieve a christmas bonus. I am in the Army serving in Iraq. My point is that i will have a bonus someday and i will make alot of money. This are things i will accomplish and when i dont they will be my problem and my fault. If you do not get a $100,000 bonus and want one then you simply are not trying hard enough and havent taken the time to make yourself that desireable is all. What percent of people that get great bonuses do you think it is because of their family and what percent is from that person being ambitious, dedicated, marketable, and eductaed. People like you crack me up. Its like when a guy in a Ferrari drives by you would be the one to say “must be nice.” I would be the one to say “I am prepared to make the changes in my life so that i can obtain my own Ferrari.” This concept might not make sense to you lol.(no hate just think about it man)


agree 100%

every day im realizing shit like that more and more… hence my sig

You have no idea the things that i have accomplished once i realized that only I can slow myself down. Productivity 1000%lol. Kinda lame but i see alot of people that just have an excuese for everything. Shortcomings, failures at everything lol etc… Just have some self responsibility and if you want better things then change yourself or make other changes toward the end goal. Really easy if you ask me.

cougarspeed wins…

i left a family company where i had all the comforts. no one could yell at me, i fucked the dog 5 hours a day etc. etc.

i left rather abruptly into a huge raise (almost double) and bonuses, etc. etc. and they love me at the new place even more than the old… heck, i have meetings once a month so that management can figure out how to not bore me.

the philosophy is exactly like that cougarspeed mentioned… and when you get there, when everyone wants you do be on their team, you find that companies are willing to drop $20k - $45k signing bonuses just to have you switch teams.

All over north america companies are shedding their upper-middle-management characters, guys who have been coasting for 5-8 years waiting for retirement and are now totally out of touch and ineffective. They are making 6 figures and take home nice severance packs… one guy at my place walked with $185k cobined salary, bonus, severance just to GTFO…

then they get replaced with people 20 years younger… that is your / our opportunity.

but dont settle for the offering price… know that they are going from $125k and offering you $60k for your “shot”… scoff… 'i’ll move for $75k, i need my current bonus paid up front since i forfeit it by leaving (inflate it 20% when you tell them), i want this and that and a nice window in the office… kthxbye…

that doesnt happen unless you kick ass though… if it isnt happening to you then you robably suck.


I knew i could get one good comment for me to slaughter. Lets see here buddy i am not loaded and i do not even recieve a christmas bonus. I am in the Army serving in Iraq. My point is that i will have a bonus someday and i will make alot of money. This are things i will accomplish and when i dont they will be my problem and my fault. If you do not get a $100,000 bonus and want one then you simply are not trying hard enough and havent taken the time to make yourself that desireable is all. What percent of people that get great bonuses do you think it is because of their family and what percent is from that person being ambitious, dedicated, marketable, and eductaed. People like you crack me up. Its like when a guy in a Ferrari drives by you would be the one to say “must be nice.” I would be the one to say “I am prepared to make the changes in my life so that i can obtain my own Ferrari.” This concept might not make sense to you lol.(no hate just think about it man)


never said I didn’t work for what I got - nor do I blame anyone else, however I am allowed to say a big FU to people that get year end bonuses right now and I don’t :stuck_out_tongue:

I am plenty comfortable where I am at - doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like a few extra K to buy Christmas gifts right now :slight_smile:

Maybe i should write self help books? We could call it “the shit sandwich that is reality and how you can make it taste better” lol

lol you’re missing the point - I was one of the people that said “fuck you guys for getting bonuses”. My shit sandwich tastes ok though, it’s just a little bit shittier than it would taste if I got a year end bonus check :smiley:


never said I didn’t work for what I got - nor do I blame anyone else, however I am allowed to say a big FU to people that get year end bonuses right now and I don’t :stuck_out_tongue:

I am plenty comfortable where I am at - doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like a few extra K to buy Christmas gifts right now :slight_smile:


HAHAH yea but you get the point. You could have and still could go a direction toward big bonuses if you really wanted to. But like you said you are comfortable and thats all that really matters i guess. We could all use a few extra k. Hell i would love some free cash right now. Trust me i certainly envy those banking in on huge bonuses right now. But my time will come so i dont stress it. I still want your car btw.

i have come to realize that my lack of advancement is my own fault.
complacency is a bich.


HAHAH yea but you get the point. You could have and still could go a direction toward big bonuses if you really wanted to. But like you said you are comfortable and thats all that really matters i guess. We could all use a few extra k. Hell i would love some free cash right now. Trust me i certainly envy those banking in on huge bonuses right now. But my time will come so i dont stress it. I still want your car btw.


well im holding out for the new STi, so you’ve got some time :smiley:

also, I really don’t envy people that wait on bonuses… such a guessing game, my paycheck is static all year. My year end bonus comes in april, taxes


cougarspeed wins…

i left a family company where i had all the comforts. no one could yell at me, i fucked the dog 5 hours a day etc. etc.

i left rather abruptly into a huge raise (almost double) and bonuses, etc. etc. and they love me at the new place even more than the old… heck, i have meetings once a month so that management can figure out how to not bore me.

the philosophy is exactly like that cougarspeed mentioned… and when you get there, when everyone wants you do be on their team, you find that companies are willing to drop $20k - $45k signing bonuses just to have you switch teams.

All over north america companies are shedding their upper-middle-management characters, guys who have been coasting for 5-8 years waiting for retirement and are now totally out of touch and ineffective. They are making 6 figures and take home nice severance packs… one guy at my place walked with $185k cobined salary, bonus, severance just to GTFO…

then they get replaced with people 20 years younger… that is your / our opportunity.

but dont settle for the offering price… know that they are going from $125k and offering you $60k for your “shot”… scoff… 'i’ll move for $75k, i need my current bonus paid up front since i forfeit it by leaving (inflate it 20% when you tell them), i want this and that and a nice window in the office… kthxbye…

that doesnt happen unless you kick ass though… if it isnt happening to you then you robably suck.


Cliffs: I’m great and you can all eat my shit. Oh yea, and if you’re not like me you’re doing something wrong.


Cliffs: I’m great and you can all eat my shit. Oh yea, and if you’re not like me you’re doing something wrong.


I mean yea kind of lol but that’s not what’s trying to be said at all. Not everyone has to be great or get a bonus or even make good money. Point being that whatever you become was and is a result of a life full of choices/decisions that you made. So if someone else gets a $5,000,000 bonus its not that you should be mad about it its that you should try to obtain it for yourself (if that’s what you want). This has nothing to do with being great or being like someone else. Only the principle of realizing that you are responsible for what you get out of this lifetime. Hell I am far from being successful I am doing well but that’s it. However i am on a path that I feel is going to take me to big things and i choose to put in the effort everyday to make sure I stay on this path. We all do examples being things like college, long term investments, improving people skills, even things like staying in shape i feel fall into this category.


Cliffs: I’m great and you can all eat my shit. Oh yea, and if you’re not like me you’re doing something wrong.


Just to be clear, the majority of what i said was situational and not a reference to things that have happened to me specifically, not all of it anyways.

Yea same hear. But eventually they will all apply to me and you can then all procede to eat my shit hahahahahaha fuckers hahahahaha.(serious)


I mean yea kind of lol but that’s not what’s trying to be said at all. Not everyone has to be great or get a bonus or even make good money. Point being that whatever you become was and is a result of a life full of choices/decisions that you made. So if someone else gets a $5,000,000 bonus its not that you should be mad about it its that you should try to obtain it for yourself (if that’s what you want). This has nothing to do with being great or being like someone else. Only the principle of realizing that you are responsible for what you get out of this lifetime. Hell I am far from being successful I am doing well but that’s it. However i am on a path that I feel is going to take me to big things and i choose to put in the effort everyday to make sure I stay on this path. We all do examples being things like college, long term investments, improving people skills, even things like staying in shape i feel fall into this category.


I agree with what you are saying and respect they way you say you’re living, I just think you were a bit preachy.