Year end / Christmas Bonus...

I work at a Hedge Fund, bonuses are a bit bigger than what other people get.

I’d say, $yx,xxx. FYI, y > 3. At minimum.

It was a great year for the firm also, up a lot on our funds. Hopefully looking at a huge one this yeah.

Christmas parties are pretty crazy at our place. 21 Club ( gets rented out, open bar 4 hours, a la carte dinner and all the best hors d’oeuvres.

Then the brokers end up taking a bunch of people out to a bar/lounge/club afterwards for free (like last year, we went to Marquee, there was a HUGE line, the bouncer didn’t want to let us in until the broker was like, “I’ll buy 5 bottles of Grey Goose” lol).

Also, typically after such a year like this (25% +) CEO takes everyone in the company to Florida for a week for free…

A lot of hard work and I see nothing for it. Woohoo


I get a Christmas card, and a day off without pay.


I see Direct isn’t that much different then Dish afterall. Same here, except I don’t get a card. I get a hoodie though.

our x-mas party will be at the holiday in on GI…
for the 1st time, there is supposed to be prises on the hours.

the company i work for is great, the company that ownes them is not so great, and the company that owns that company is less great.

those comapanies do not have any parties.
our comapny “finds” the money for parties and lunches.
if we make our monthly sales numbers, we get pizza and wings for lunch.

its a great company but there is little career potential.
ive been here 7 years, and i’m still the youngest employee.
it used to be, that you could get better jobs when people left.
now, they just spread out the workload. at least i get 100% tuiton
covered if i get a C :stuck_out_tongue: (and i’m the only one in the place taking advantage of it…)

I get a kick as Christmas party with the players, coaches, and front office staff (can bring a guest and kids if you have any). Top of the line everything with 5 1/2 hours of open bar.

And I get $500 for a bonus.

we get fucking jack shit.

this thread can blow me


Nuffin’ again. We might get a lunch buffet, that we get to enjoy while our work is open and have to do it in between customers & clients. :frowning:

Pretty sad if you see the numbers that my co-worker and I pump out, close to $6-8 Million in Dell sales, and not including other brands. But being that we work for the non-for-profit part of UB, somewhat expected. :frowning:

Anyone want to hire someone with Sales and Marketing experience? I’m ready to move on.


I’m still banking on unemployment from when i was there. Ray and the wang are overdue to explode

No bonus this year.:frowning:

I did give $50 a week for people that worked at least 45 hours.
(Of course I also paid the time and a half.)
I figured it was a good way to reward people that actually work.:slight_smile:
You would be surprised how much attendance improved.
All of these BS excuses for missing work suddenly stopped.


I’m still banking on unemployment from when i was there. Ray and the wang are overdue to explode


Crossing fingers. We want to OfficeSpace the damn wang.
But unemployment is good still.

BTW, who are you? I think there were a couple of NYSpeed people that worked here a bit.



No bonus this year.:frowning:

I did give $50 a week for people that worked at least 45 hours.
(Of course I also paid the time and a half.)
I figured it was a good way to reward people that actually work.:slight_smile:
You would be surprised how much attendance improved.
All of these BS excuses for missing work suddenly stopped.


did productivity improve at all?


did productivity improve at all?


nope, smoke breaks went way up though :smiley:

:eyebrow: So I just looked and as of 3Q we were on pace to earn a 6.75% profit sharing payout. However, Praxair just shelled out $127 million to purchase a 50% stake in a Scandenavian industrial gas company. If everything else stays at the same pace, that puts us at 2.5% if that affects net income.

Is purchasing another company an operating expense or an investment activity?


:eyebrow: So I just looked and as of 3Q we were on pace to earn a 6.75% profit sharing payout. However, Praxair just shelled out $127 million to purchase a 50% stake in a Scandenavian industrial gas company. If everything else stays at the same pace, that puts us at 2.5% if that affects net income.

Is purchasing another company an operating expense or an investment activity?


neither. it will increase assets and liabilities based upon the purchase price and the fair market value of the assets acquired. then any revenue, expenses, etc of the company from the acquisition date forward are included in the income statement. an acquisition in the last month of the fiscal year will have minimal impact on net income and earnings per share, unless it is a huge win, or a huge dog.

upon second thought, the outlay of cash would be an investing activity per the statement of cash flows. could also flow through as a financing activity if it were purchased using funds raised through a debt or equity offering.

Actually when we switched to four ten hour days productivity increased a bit but we added a break to the day which obviously has cost us more.
With gas prices so high, people like driving to work four days rather than five.

OK I get it. The actual acquisition transaction doesn’t affect the income statement. Credit cash, debit assets. Doesn’t affect the income statement.

Cool. I was hoping they didn’t smoke our profit sharing by doing that.

EDIT: Nope, not quite. I cracked open my accounting book and now I think I’ve got it. It will show up, but like you said there will be an equal gain and loss of assets so there will be no net effect.


OK I get it. The actual acquisition transaction doesn’t affect the income statement. Credit cash, debit assets. Doesn’t affect the income statement.

Cool. I was hoping they didn’t smoke our profit sharing by doing that.


it isnt quite that simple obviously, but you are on the right track. if anything, execs will try to pull the trigger on a decent sized acquisition prior to year end in an effort to exceed analysts expectations, increase the top and bottom line, and boost share prices.

didnt mean to rob the thread. anyways, to keep it on topic, my bonus fluctuates based upon my performance :slight_smile:


I couldnt resist.
Also why would it piss people off. If YOU dont get a bonus it is because YOU havent put YOURSELF in a position to obtain one. So YOU should make yourself more desireable to employ so YOU can have a job that gives YOU a big bonus. See the connections here.


im betting the majority of you peepz talking smack about others getting pissed off only have their job because of a connection through family or friends. so there is a valid reason to get pissed off when they could do your job better than you but dont get the opportunity to try because your boss did an employee a favor and hired your ass. people cant put themselves in a position to pop out the right crotch.

and before you get all defensive…i work for my family. but im not gunna gloat about what benefits i get from it. im sure there are people on this board who get bonuses that total more than i make in a year. its all relative…remember someone always has a bigger cock than you.

I get a 7% wage increase plus a 10% bonus, I am happy