Year end / Christmas Bonus...

cougarspeed wins…

i left a family company where i had all the comforts. no one could yell at me, i fucked the dog 5 hours a day etc. etc.

i left rather abruptly into a huge raise (almost double) and bonuses, etc. etc. and they love me at the new place even more than the old… heck, i have meetings once a month so that management can figure out how to not bore me.

the philosophy is exactly like that cougarspeed mentioned… and when you get there, when everyone wants you do be on their team, you find that companies are willing to drop $20k - $45k signing bonuses just to have you switch teams.

All over north america companies are shedding their upper-middle-management characters, guys who have been coasting for 5-8 years waiting for retirement and are now totally out of touch and ineffective. They are making 6 figures and take home nice severance packs… one guy at my place walked with $185k cobined salary, bonus, severance just to GTFO…

then they get replaced with people 20 years younger… that is your / our opportunity.

but dont settle for the offering price… know that they are going from $125k and offering you $60k for your “shot”… scoff… 'i’ll move for $75k, i need my current bonus paid up front since i forfeit it by leaving (inflate it 20% when you tell them), i want this and that and a nice window in the office… kthxbye…

that doesnt happen unless you kick ass though… if it isnt happening to you then you robably suck.