Year end / Christmas Bonus...


guys this thread is terrible… lol. Everyone is just trying to talk like they have everything in life figured out. No one has everything figured out, not even close.

You all fucking blow at something or most things, so do I (I mean I can’t really think of anything right now since im so fucking sweet at everything, but well, you know) :smiley:

I totally disagree, being jealous (wanting) of things you don’t have is exactly what does motivate people. If you didn’t give a shit about obtaining anything what exactly are you striving for?!


i dont have everything figured out. not even close. you are right. but that doesnt preclude me from having an opinion of cougarspeed getting shredded.

i am a decently objective thinker, even when it comes to situations involving myself (for the most part).

the thread was about xmas bonuses. lots of people getting big ones like to talk about it, lots of people getting big ones dont. but to rip people down because they are raking cash is stupid. to me, life is about positioning and balance. you want more $$$? further your education, network better, do the little things. or hate people who have what you want. doesnt matter to me.