Year end / Christmas Bonus...

our x-mas party will be at the holiday in on GI…
for the 1st time, there is supposed to be prises on the hours.

the company i work for is great, the company that ownes them is not so great, and the company that owns that company is less great.

those comapanies do not have any parties.
our comapny “finds” the money for parties and lunches.
if we make our monthly sales numbers, we get pizza and wings for lunch.

its a great company but there is little career potential.
ive been here 7 years, and i’m still the youngest employee.
it used to be, that you could get better jobs when people left.
now, they just spread out the workload. at least i get 100% tuiton
covered if i get a C :stuck_out_tongue: (and i’m the only one in the place taking advantage of it…)