Year end / Christmas Bonus...


I couldnt resist.
Also why would it piss people off. If YOU dont get a bonus it is because YOU havent put YOURSELF in a position to obtain one. So YOU should make yourself more desireable to employ so YOU can have a job that gives YOU a big bonus. See the connections here.


im betting the majority of you peepz talking smack about others getting pissed off only have their job because of a connection through family or friends. so there is a valid reason to get pissed off when they could do your job better than you but dont get the opportunity to try because your boss did an employee a favor and hired your ass. people cant put themselves in a position to pop out the right crotch.

and before you get all defensive…i work for my family. but im not gunna gloat about what benefits i get from it. im sure there are people on this board who get bonuses that total more than i make in a year. its all relative…remember someone always has a bigger cock than you.