Year end / Christmas Bonus...


ours is next friday night. it’s always a shit show. no spouses aloud. gooood times

Again … nothing here …

Damn … why did i change jobs

I don’t get any extra money but I do get almost two full weeks off this year for Christmas. I also get summers off too. :slight_smile:

Teaching has its rewards.

I don’t get a year end bonus because I get a bonus every time our company closes on a building and everytime that I do a final invoice for construction. Some times its months without a bonus sometimes its every week.

i get one every month. it equals out to low $xx,xxx’s/ year.


so how much does this piss people off that are not getting bonuses?


I don’t care at all.

I get no bonus.

My office christmas party is insane. Last year it was at brennans, everyone plus one guest. Bossman gives us 10 tickets plus one for each year of service that we put into drawing bags. prizes were kodak camera, 2 liquor baskets, portable dvd player, air hockey table, foosball table, toolset, 150 to chophouse, tickets for sheas to see lion king, 100 to pearl st, and a couple smaller ones. on top of it he has a wheel with our names on it that he spins all night for smaller 5-10 gift certs to like tim hortons, blockbuster etc. free drinks all night, our bar tab was just over a grand, free buffet. and to cap the night he has a drawing for every full time employee over a year, which is like 8 of us, for a trip to vegas. he pays for everything, 3 nights, plane ticket, hotel, plus 500 spending cash and you’re paid when you’re gone. shit is crazy, he loves giving gifts out during the holidays. and there are only like 25 employees so the chances of winning are huge. i dig my job.

i’ve never had a job where i got a bonus for anything…but, i’ve never been a full time employee either…always part time, full time college student…forever…


my girlfriend works at Darien Lake. she got a gift certificate to wegmans.

talk about a kick in the balls.


did you mean kick in the vagina? or did you mean boyfriend?


our christmas party is usually at a bar/restaurant with a banquet room. this year we are having it at the elma grille again. we start out in the banquet room. open bar for a couple hours and finger food. people start to get silly. then food and desert. then prizes are given away…depending on how long you’ve been with the company, drawn out of a hat. my dad among others get on the microphone and tell a lot of BAD old people jokes. lots of jackets/shirts, gift certificates, small tv’s, just typical stuff. open bar back open for about an hour.

then some people go home, the rest migrate to the bar. last year the service manager kept buying rounds. must have spent about $800 that night. we have about 25 office people and 25 service people at the party. NO spouses. drunk angry asshole mechanics PLUS spouses /= good. LLOL. some years its a shit show. some years its not. someone always ends up crying. a bunch of people make themselves look stupid. but its a good time


no bonus for gov’t job

but i’ll be retired when i’m 47 so it’s all good.


yea sometimes the early retirement, job security, and good benefits of a government job is better then a bonus at the end of the day. The fact that every holiday is a paid vacation day isn’t bad either :slight_smile:

citi is renting out the adam’s mark next weekend for our office party.

Should be a pretty decent spread, plus open bar all night.

Everyone who gets a bonus is lucky and also sucks.

My last job of 9.5 yrs got me $20 in gas every x-mas. For the last 3yrs I been getting anywhere from $600-$4000 for x-mas.

i make bonus every month

We’re getting 20% of the salaried work force laid off as a Year End / Christmas bonus. Go auto industry.

Funny considering the economy is just fine. Oh wait it isn’t, that’s just what the White House says.

last year i got a 1 year invitation to the Jelly of the Month Club

+1 to bonus

my bonus at xmas time is that i get to deal with a shitload of assholes who are pissed off at me because we are sold out of wii’s and whatever fucking elmo toy is hot this year, and they waited till 2 days before xmas to shop for the shit. woohoo!

My office party is next friday… boyfriend allowed… catered at a lawyers house… should be a good time.