Year round storage

I’m looking for cheap year-round storage for one car. I know there are a few people offering seasonal heated storage, but I’m just looking for somewhere cheap to dump a car for a year or more. It’s a G-body, it doesn’t run, but it has a lot of sentimental value so I’d hate to just junk it or let it rot in my woods. Plans for a new garage are pretty much shot considering my recent roofing disaster and pending major drainage expenses. It can sit in a corner with crap piled on it for all I care. I do have wheel skates if needed. It’s currently at a self-storage garage, which I no longer need since I’ve moved almost everything else home. Anywhere in the WNY area. If you know of anything, please let me know!

What’s the status of your roofing debacle?

Nothing’s happened yet- every time I try and find time to deal with it, something else comes up.