should be a keeper

holy mary, mother of god, pray for my sins while playing this game…

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mike, when this comes out im living at your house

i dont get why are they calling it ninja gaiden 2 though?


i dont get why are they calling it ninja gaiden 2 though?


Better than Ninja Gaiden 5/6/X?

why not ninja gaiden: more blood than a chaninsaw abortion


cant wait for it to be released.

so you will play it for a week, then your xbox will rrod and you will be SOL for a month :wink:

naw mine already did that, but i got it fixed from some other company other than ms, now its perfect

im actually sorta glad mine did, now the wait is over and i will get the quieter fan.

quieter fan?

huh, my fan is very loud, are u sending it to the same place aaron and i did?

yeha for some reason i thought they did that. my bad.

lol pwned.

and did not know your xbox blew up?

He’s on it enough, it was inevitable.



I was awful at the first one, but it was so much fun. I should give it another shot, and get ready for this one :slight_smile:

Ugh, I have so many games to beat though!!!

I got to the last boss and gave up, It was amazing though and very difficult.

yea i was wondering why you said it would be a quiet fan…


its gonna be LOUD!!!