Sorry Kiddies, No MGS 4 for X360

They can keep it. The game looks totally unimpressive.


Seriously? Are you just not into those kind of games? It’s an absolutely phenomenal game.

Uhhh… The graphics are amazing as well as the story and most game review sites either gave it a 10/10 or cunthairs from 10.

EDIT - you’ve been hanging around Kevin too long… :biglaugh:

Ninja Gaiden 2 got better reviews… edit: OR SO ROB TOLD ME, WTF ROB!

However I’m a total Kajima sack rider, and love the dialogue/story… so I really want to play this :frowning:


see my ninja (haha) edit. - MGS4 - NG 2;title;0 - MGS 4;title;0 NG 2

I was wondering how long before a game would be PS3 exclusive and the blame be on MS’s lack of a bluray drive.

Boooo, now I’ll need to get one of those piles.

Hahaha… That explains it…

I doubt it’s lack of Blu Ray. Lost Odyssey came on 4 DL DVD’s which is close to the theoretical storage limit for capacity. The more likely culprit is that the Cell Processor + nVidia graphics processor are the only combo that can play the content of MGS4. I remember reading online somewhere that if they were to port Crysis to a console, the PS3 would be the only one to have a chance to make that happen.

75% of the content is cut scenes… Enjoy.

Rob have you ever even played a metal gear solid? How could you not get into the storyline?

It’s more like 50% but the game is more like an interactive movie than anything else. I know you HATE HATE HATE the PS3 but you can’t down the merits of MGS series. It’s amazing.

Why would I want to watch a movie disguised as a video game? Keep it…

actually, AFAIK the 360’s GPU is actually more powerful than nvidias for PS3, but the Cell processor is stronger than xbox’s.

Triangle Setup
Xbox 360 - 500 Million Triangles/sec
PS3 - 250 Million Triangles/sec

Vertex Shader Processing
Xbox 360 - 6.0 Billion Vertices/sec (using all 48 Unified Pipelines)
Xbox 360 - 2.0 Billion Vertices/sec (using only 16 of the 48 Unified Pipelines)
Xbox 360 - 1.5 Billion Vertices/sec (using only 12 of the 48 Unified Pipelines)
Xbox 360 - 1.0 Billion Vertices/sec (using only 8 of the 48 Unified Pipelines)
PS3 - 1.0 Billion Vertices/sec

Filtered Texture Fetch
Xbox 360 - 8.0 Billion Texels/sec
PS3 - 12.0 Billion Texels/sec

Vertex Texture Fetch
Xbox 360 - 8.0 Billion Texels/sec
PS3 - 4.0 Billion Texels/sec

Pixel Shader Processing with 16 Filtered Texels Per Cycle (Pixel ALU x Clock)
Xbox 360 - 24.0 Billion Pixels/sec (using all 48 Unified Pipelines)
Xbox 360 - 20.0 Billion Pixels/sec (using 40 of the 48 Unified Pipelines)
Xbox 360 - 18.0 Billion Pixels/sec (using 36 of the 48 Unified Pipelines)
Xbox 360 - 16.0 Billion Pixels/sec (using 32 of the 48 Unified Pipelines)
PS3 - 16.0 Billion Pixels/sec

Pixel Shader Processing without Textures (Pixel ALU x Clock)
Xbox 360 - 24.0 Billion Pixels/sec (using all 48 Unified Pipelines)
Xbox 360 - 20.0 Billion Pixels/sec (using 40 of the 48 Unified Pipelines)
Xbox 360 - 18.0 Billion Pixels/sec (using 36 of the 48 Unified Pipelines)
Xbox 360 - 16.0 Billion Pixels/sec (using 32 of the 48 Unified Pipelines)
PS3 - 24.0 Billion Pixels/sec

Multisampled Fill Rate
Xbox 360 - 16.0 Billion Samples/sec (8 ROPS x 4 Samples x 500MHz)
PS3 - 8.0 Billion Samples/sec (8 ROPS x 2 Samples x 500MHz)

Pixel Fill Rate with 4x Multisampled Anti-Aliasing
Xbox 360 - 4.0 Billion Pixels/sec (8 ROPS x 4 Samples x 500MHz / 4)
PS3 - 2.0 Billion Pixels/sec (8 ROPS x 2 Samples x 500MHz / 4)

Pixel Fill Rate without Anti-Aliasing
Xbox 360 - 4.0 Billion Pixels/sec (8 ROPS x 500MHz)
PS3 - 4.0 Billion Pixels/sec (8 ROPS x 500MHz)

Frame Buffer Bandwidth
Xbox 360 - 256.0 GB/sec (dedicated for frame buffer rendering)
PS3 - 20.8 GB/sec (shared with other graphics data: textures and vertices)
PS3 - 10.8 GB/sec (with 10.0 GB/sec subtracted for textures and vertices)
PS3 - 8.4 GB/sec (with 12.4 GB/sec subtracted for textures and vertices)

Texture/Vertex Memory Bandwidth
Xbox 360 - 22.4 GB/sec (shared with CPU)
Xbox 360 - 14.4 GB/sec (with 8.0 GB/sec subtracted for CPU)
Xbox 360 - 12.4 GB/sec (with 10.0 GB/sec subtracted for CPU)
PS3 - 20.8 GB/sec (shared with frame buffer)
PS3 - 10.8 GB/sec (with 10.0 GB/sec subtracted for frame buffer)
PS3 - 8.4 GB/sec (with 12.4 GB/sec subtracted for frame buffer)

Shader Model
Xbox 360 - Shader Model 3.0+ / Unified Shader Architecture
PS3 - Shader Model 3.0 / Discrete Shader Architecture

Xbox 360 has the advantage in most cases.

Some PS3 GPU (RSX) specs are still not confirmed as final. It’s assumed to have 24 pixel pipelines, 8 vertex pipelines, 8 ROPS (raster), and 550MHz clock speed. But any of those could change, especially the clock speed.

Are there any other GPU spec categories worth adding?

UPDATE: RSX figures were updated to represent GeForce 7 based architecture with 24 pixel pipelines, 8 vertex pipelines, 8 ROPS, 500MHz core, and 650MHz memory. In other words, it dropped from 550MHz/700MHz to 500MHz/650MHz.

about crysis

Some news slipped out during the Leipzig convention in Germany that Crytek senior game designer Bernd Diemer said their upcoming first-person shooter Crysis was too über for the next-generation consoles – the 360 and PlayStation 3 specifically. The heart of the matter related directly to DirectX 10 and it being the only way to truly unleash the beast behind this beautiful game.

Diemer was quoted as saying that “next generation consoles like the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 do not offer the sufficient power” needed for some high-quality Crysis action. This news comes counter to the recent news that the Crytek team was looking for some PS3 worker bees for a possible Crysis port to the system. We may not see Crysis on the PS3, but it’s still entirely possible we may see Crysis-like games in the future on Sony’s console.

Honestly, it is quite amazing.

When you break it down yes the plot is ridiculous, and absurd. But the style, quality, and manner in which it’s done in just can’t be compared.

By the same token if you can’t stand games with a plot then in most cases it’s easy to see why someone can’t like it. But even then the in game action is very well done.

While I agree with the stats, raw numbers like those don’t always translate to better performance. Remember, back (The R600) had a 512bit memory controller bus that blew the nVidia equivalent card theoretical numbers away but lacked in performance in real world games. I don’t doubt that these are legit and by no means am I saying that is the case with everything but I wouldn’t take those numbers as the absolute fact.

agreed. But didn’t the PS3 version of gta4 have to run at a lower resolution than the 360 counterpart? (as a base for comparison) :smiley: lol j/k

at any rate, I do hope that it makes it’s way to 360. I loved the previous MGS games and sure this one is just as good. Does Sony have some sort of ownership in Konami? Did Konami officially announce it or is it the CEO of SONY just “rallying the troops” so to speak?