PS3 + GTAIV ???

I suck at all this video game stuff.
I’m about to go out and buy a brand new 40 GIG PS3 and GTA IV
has anyone had issues with freezing?
being the only game should i get a second so i dont have a brand new PS3 sitting here?

will rockstars “patch” be free ?

I wouldn’t get a 40gig PS3 unless you don’t plan to play any PS2 games.

Why a PS3?

360 ftw

I splurged and bought a PS3 with GTAIV today. I don’t own any PS2 games so the 40gb is perfect for me.

I haven’t heard any widespread freezing issues with the 40gb, just launch 60gb consoles. Mine is a 60gb launch, good thing I got it for the 360…

I read on the PS forums people with 40s 60s and 80s having issues but mostly 60s

They are the first 60’s that have this issue, the 2006 launch 60gig PS3’s…

mine has actually frozen a few times already on my xbox 360 and there’s a lot of people having the same issues. ive read on some GTA forums at gamefaqs of this after i had problems. so it’s not just PS3

how many red ring of deaths are the ps3 people getting?
Any of them hsving to send there ps3 to sony for a month?
The reasons are obvious why not to get a 360.

The PS3 is made better but the 360 has a better compliment of games.

yea but people dont feel like spending $400+ for a PS3. and i wouldnt be suprised if PS3 has DRE issues like PS2 had (i havent researched it so im not sure)

Yeah sony taking so long to come out fried all there exxlusives.
You got a point there.

Sony and quality do not go hand in hand. How many PS2’s have been sent back?

The real question is how many Wii’s have been sent back?

My original PS1 still works and I still have it, my original PS2 only stops working when I play GTA3, my Sony digicam had a software issue that made the flash stop working and my Sony DV camcorder has no issues.

XBox 360’s have the worst fail rate out of basically any product ever put on the market and they don’t just lose some function like a Sony product, they are paper weights.

What would you rather own? If you say a 360, you are just a toolbox fanboy and you deserve to go through multiple replacements and get laughed at repeatedly every time you make a “OH NOOEES!!11! RROD!!!eleven” thread.

And don’t even waste your breath with “MS fixed the new 360’s” because no, they didn’t. I still see articles pop up about RROD on them too.

edit and what the fuck does Nintendo have to do with this? Don’t try to change the subject because you feel like an idiot for buying a 360

No. No he doesnt have a pt. 360 was out an extra year than ps3. All the good exclusives are right around the corner. Basically the same time the couple good 360 exclusives came out last year.

funny… i had the Ring of death once, since then i had zero problems.

Fanboy much? :rofl:

There aren’t an abundance more of exclusive PS3 titles around the corner than 360.

360 - Too Human, Ninja Gaiden 2, Grid

after a month without the system.
Microsoft dropped the ball, taking a month n fixing it for free is hardly enough to encourage sales.
They should have sent some free titles back with it.

While he came off like an ass he does have a point. What good is a system if it is constantly breaking and being repaired. Those extra titles don’t mean much when you can’t play em.