yes its 1:21 in the morning...

i wouldn’t call what happend to me just being shocked, i was unconscious and suffered serious electrical burns to my mouth. to make a long story short, i was 4 or 5 years old, it was christmas time, i went to plug the lights in. I couldn’t get the plug into the extension cord, not knowing what would happend and not relizing the extension was in the wall socket i tried to clamp the two together with my teeth. Hence the burn marks on the side of my mouth. no jokes(ex: lazer lips) please i’ve heard them all. :slight_smile:

sorry to hear of that. and yes that was electrocuted. most ppl say when theryre
shocked they say electorcuted. your very lucky when your little you dont have
enough mass to asorbed the shock. with it that close to your brian. you could
of suffer brain damage.
two things to stay away from the brian and heart. heart can explode and the
brain can lose some of its function.

wow, a topic i actually dont have to bullshit my way thur:D

pewter don’t even say it stunted my growth! :smiley: No brain damage here! never had any health problems since the physical injuries at the time.

Originally posted by ohsoquik02
sorry to hear of that. and yes that was electrocuted. most ppl say when theryre
shocked they say electorcuted. your very lucky when your little you dont have
enough mass to asorbed the shock. with it that close to your brian. you could
of suffer brain damage.
two things to stay away from the( brian) and heart. heart can explode and the
brain can lose some of its function.

WHY ME ???

Originally posted by Cutty
pewter don’t even say it stunted my growth! :smiley: No brain damage here! never had any health problems since the physical injuries at the time.

it was a pain in the ass when i was little, many special doctors, special mouth pieces, plaster molds of my face and teeth constantly. But hey, the ladies love when i give em the shocker! :eek: