Yesterday I find out..

That a girl I knew was put into the hospital for unknown reasons to her sickness, passed away while I was at work. They couldnt figure out why she became so ill in such a short amount of time (2 weeks) They found cancer in her blood after doing tests. It is not detectable with a normal blood test which is why they couldnt figure out what was wrong.

She was 20 years old and left behind a 2yr old baby boy named Ethan.

After finding this out, I went to go to the place I have been staying but for some reason completely passed up the on ramp and got off the off ramp towards my house…in which I had to pass Dana’s house. There were a huge group of people including Ryan (danas brother) and friends w/ their family and the cops!?

So I pulled over to give well needed hugs and find out what was wrong…

here the current live-in boyfriend decided after leaving his dead girlfriends bed side he was going to move out…with her stuff! luckily a friend happened to pass the house as he was loading up her furniture and bags of her belongings…and called the family and cops.

Because its a civil matter the cops couldnt do much but tell them to go to the magistrate and stop them from fighting. The new boyfriend had sucker punched the babys father in the hospital, for what ever reason.

It finds that the 2 guys the boyfriend had called to help move had no idea what had happened…they just thought he was moving out.

To finalize the story, Danas parents went in to find all of her personal records like her birth cert, the babys papers, her diamond rings she had been wearing when she passed, the babys savings, and unpaid bills…all to find that he took before anyone got there.

Im not sure how to feel really…I wasnt friends w/ Dana but Ive known her brother and the babys father since middle school. I hits home real hard. It hit me good last night when I finally made it home from Danas house. I wasnt going to go out last night, I just wanted to sit down and cry. I fell asleep on the couch and woke up around 9. I knew that I was just going to think about Dana and Ryan all night, so I decided to go out and try to not mope. I tried not to let it bother me while I was at the club…the girls helped a lot.

I got home and called my brother. He was shocked. “how could a girl so beautiful just die? Its not possible, its not right.”

I know theres nothing I can do about it…

Im not sure Gods meaning for this makes sense either.

The moral of this is to keep your friends and family as close to your heart as possible and ALWAYS say I love you!!! Even and especially when your mad!

Rest in peace sweet soul Dana Irdi.

sorry to hear



sorry to hear.

sorry to hear

Sorry to hear that.

People are assholes.


So I just came back from Danas house again…Got a call earlier saying the bastard changed the locks. He must have done it while Dana was in the hospital. Danas mom went to the house to find an outfit the burry her in and
found that the key didnt work, she called the landlord to find out that the boyfriend was never on the lease!!! He had no rights! In the process of us trying to break into the house the cops rolled up…we explained and now they are looking for him. The lanlord changed the locks so he couldnt get back in. We also found out his real age…this focker was born in 1975!!! He has a 13yr old daughter! wtf is he doing with a 20yr old girl! Im so hoping someone beats his ass.

And how in the hell do you support 2 kids a sick gf and a house when he only worked 24hr a week! this bastard only brought home $144 a paycheck!!!

While searching the house which he ransacked we found court papers stating his license was suspended, and the script for Dana to get blood work from the 7th. So shes been sick for a good month and this ass robbed her blind.

Someone please beat this kid if you see him on the streets!!!

Blanyer…its Ryans lil sister…or Jason Popinski’s ex. You should know her…

the boyfriend is Jimmy Nelson…of Jims motor shop???

Do you know him?

That is totally screwed up and yet another reason to never trust anyone.

Sorry to hear about that, I hope things improve for her family.

thanks guys, Im sure there will be more to tell after the funeral today depending on whether or not he shows up

just got back from the funeral. not much to say.

i just realized who that was; i hadn’t spoken to her in years.

Sorry to hear that… Never a good thing to loose someone close to you.

wow, what a douche. Hope he gets what’s coming to him, asshat

I agree, he showed up to the funeral w/ one of the guys who helped him move and his wife…the boyfriend got kicked out and the friends wife got up the mothers face and started talking shit!!! then gave the family dirty looks on her way out…who the f*ck does she think she is! He must have really cared considering he showed up on the second day.

He messed with the wrong group of friends…