Yet another reason why minorities get a bad rep.

Again simple as this.

One persons actions can be your consequences. If more people thought about how their actions might effect other peoples lives the world would be a better place.

but they dont, too many people are selfish, and ignorant to the facts when presented them in clear text.

  • Sir smoking causes many health hazards. I would appreciate it if you didn’t go that in line here at an amusement park with many family’s who dont smoke and many young children down wind.

  • Fuck you and your kids, its a free country. I can do what I want, I dont see any sign saying I cant. My mother smokes more than me and she is 100 now, I wont have any problems because I smoke. If you dont like it go find another ride.

  • Sir you are being selfish and ignorant to the facts. I understand you take enjoyment with smoking, as do we when we ride the roller coaster. Could you please continue with your habits away from everyone else in line that doesnt enjoy smoking either?

  • No what are you going to do about it? What makes you so smart?

  • :facepalm. Come on son lets go on the bumper cars again until this man leaves the line.