Tracey is going to muah gymz??? o snap!!!

see u there today at about 5pm, wink wink. :lol

Oh, I wouldn’t have signed up if i knew it was YOUR gym!!! hahahaha

I dont get out of work until 7 tonight, so definitely will not be there!

It’s like fuckin love connection in here :facepalm

deadbear is going to hulk slam your wimmenz wayne

pics / vids?!

just imagine a gorilla humping a gazelle and fap like crazy


you guys are sickkk.

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

7pm is too late tracey. if u want to witness the italian man beef getting his swell on, u better make it there earlier.

I do not need to see any Italian getting his swell on at the gym- thank you very much.

I have my own man beef at home- that actually does man shit in the GARAGE instead of getting his swell on at the gym every night :slight_smile:

Im lol’ing in class

Wayne you put a ring on this yet or what.

Damn Tracey just labia-slapped deadbear

I dunno if I have the ambition to go to the gym with you guys… like I want to, but I think I’d rather finish the Caddy.

FML I just spit my coffee out :rofl :rofl



Brutal isn’t she!?!?! That’s why I <3 her. :wink:

my face and ego are now bruised. thanks TRACEY!!!

i think we need a Wayne and E dedicated thread. This shits hilarious.

lol we have fun!