Article in Hemmings Muscle Machines on Redline Camaro's

I just got the latest issue of Hemmings Muscle Machines magazine a few days ago and read it at the gym and theres a decent sized article on the new Redline/Denooyer Camaro’s.

Just thought Id point that out for anybody interested. Its the issue with a blue Firebird on the cover.


hi, my name is PJB, aka butters, pka jellies. when i go to the gym, i get on the bike and pedal my ass off. when a girl walks by me, i raise my reading material just high enough so she doesnt notice me stareing at her ass. it works everytime.


hi, my name is meathead von corvettedriver. when I go to the gym I wear as little as possible to show off my work to a bunch of dudes. when a girl walks by me I make some scandolous comment about her, but I’m really watching PJB. Watching and waiting.

hi my name is Benny, aka guardrail kisser. when i go to the gym…wait, my fat ass doenst even know where the gym is let alone go to it. either way, when a girl walks by me, i

hi, my name is Benny McWeighterson. I have never seen the inside of a gym in my life. Sometimes I curl with my mom’s 2lb. running weights while im watching south park at 2AM just after finishing a huge bowl. When a girl walks by me, she tends to pick up the pace as I find myself drooling at the right corner of my mouth, staring into her eyes without blinking. Wishing she was PJB.

I just go to the gym so everyone can see how jacked and tan i am

“Excuse me sir, you need to sign in.”

“Not now chief. I’m in the fuckin zone.”

"Sure I grunt when I lift. That’s because I want everyone to know how jacked and tan I am. "

99FRC get me some more protein

Sure does work when Im riding 17 miles.
There seems to be quite a few fresh new faces to look at there lately.

like ur looking at there faces.

you say that like it’s a bad thing…at least he’s not staring at your ass, right?

honestly, you sound like the creeper always watching PJB.

duh! im as creepy as they get man. me and adam dont lift, we stalk jellies! jeeze.



Well I also look at their faces.

Well we just happen to go to the same gym at around the same time and he caught me checking out some girls there.

He’s not that creepy, atleast I dont think he is.

repped! haha thanks jellies!

so na benny! i win

wtf? cant give u reps! sorry will on recharge

:rofl :rofl