Silver new 5 series with staggered rims on the 190 last night (4:30 am'ish)


wow, i live how people jump over the drinking and driving threads in car forums. Your all telling me, you never had 3-4 beers in like an hour and a half, hoped in your car from bar/friends house after work and drove home?
If you have, then you can’t say shit


to that i say read this…


It don’t matter. Driving home after a few drinks is one thing. Playing around doing 90mph is another. Whatever. Your lives to have fun with, your lives to fuck up. Great words of wisdom by ugososlow.



one of my close friend died doin the same shit…and yes i have had 2 or 3 beers and drove home…(like mother teresa) not saying it was right and i wont defend it either but ill be damned if ill go 90mph and yes im an idiot… but your a complete fucking idiot and you need your head examined