Silver new 5 series with staggered rims on the 190 last night (4:30 am'ish)


JAM knows that he is at his limit when he starts flipping tables and throwing glasses.


lol. or when he starts projectile vomiting. “hey guys watch this…”

or trying to make out with you…

oh jam…

wow, i live how people jump over the drinking and driving threads in car forums. Your all telling me, you never had 3-4 beers in like an hour and a half, hoped in your car from bar/friends house after work and drove home?
If you have, then you can’t say shit


wow, i live how people jump over the drinking and driving threads in car forums. Your all telling me, you never had 3-4 beers in like an hour and a half, hoped in your car from bar/friends house after work and drove home?
If you have, then you can’t say shit


You don’t think racing someone with alcohol in you is a problem?


You don’t think racing someone with alcohol in you is a problem?


you think it was the alcohol that made him decide to “race”?

It don’t matter. Driving home after a few drinks is one thing. Playing around doing 90mph is another. Whatever. Your lives to have fun with, your lives to fuck up. Great words of wisdom by ugososlow.


you think it was the alcohol that made him decide to “race”?


That was neither what I was implying, or the point.

Way to defend drinking and driving.:bloated:


wow, i live how people jump over the drinking and driving threads in car forums. Your all telling me, you never had 3-4 beers in like an hour and a half, hoped in your car from bar/friends house after work and drove home?
If you have, then you can’t say shit


nope never have.

all im saying is thers a difference betwwen drinking and driving and driving drunk.

damn jammy jam, glad he let you go. similar thing happened to my buddy TESTICLE. blew right at the limit, passed all the field tests, and after sitting in the back of the cop car and getting his ass reamed, he was let go with a few bs tickets.


Man its too bad that cop pulled you over, its like you took every step you needed to to kill someone. If I was him I would’ve turned you over to the Cheektowaga cops and let them have their way with you. :lol: He must of been feelin too lazy to fill out the paper work.

If I was you Id send him a thank you card.


or maybe he stood on the side of the road with me, talked with me, gave me a few tests, realized i was ok to drive, and didnt want to fuck up my day.

christ man you guys are acting like i killed a fucking baby or something. like dirty said, i know when im ok and not ok to drive, ive said im not driving anywhere plenty of times before because i dont feel safe… fucking A relax

anyone know the guy in the bimmer?

I was mostly being sarcastic, however I still think its retarded. Me personally, I wouldnt feel comfortable just letting you go after blowing a .08, just because if you got in an accident after I pulled you over then that would be on me. In your case I would have had you call somebody to give you a ride. Getting a DWI is pretty serious and I wouldnt want to mess up somebody’s life for making a mistake. Its a judgement call that is up to the cop. Hopefully you learned your lesson and drive more carefully, especially while intoxictated if you choose to do it again.

Ive got a friend that is a trooper, hes an Investigator not road patrol. I’ll have a convo with him about the circumstance and see what his opinion is.


NOT Mr. perfect, Mr. been there, done that. I don’t want to see a guy ruin lives by thinking it won’t happen to me. In 1980 I wrecked a sweet car after drinking. I was more than lucky my friend and I lived. Hope it won’t take that or worse for others to get it. Sooner or later it will happen to you. That is all from me on this.


+1 I was lucky to live when I wrecked my car, I know my limits now…

if i’m going to get in the car with a drunk driver, which i’m not, it’d be with jam.

While I’ve had a couple of drinks and then (as carefully as I could) driven home before, it’s not something that I’m proud of and nothing that I would ever defend. :tdown:

Hey yougososlow. Remember when you raced a certain member here up to about 160+ on a highway? How is that any better? :hay:

I hope the owner of the Ford Five-Hundred pops his head in to tell you it was him.

[drunk]butd i swearz itd lookes like a 5 serieez [/drunk]


Hey yougososlow. Remember when you raced a certain member here up to about 160+ on a highway? How is that any better? :hay:


VERY good point. If someone dies it won’t matter if it was speed or booze that caused it. You’re right. Would you agree that people that drink and drive tend to do it on a regular basis? They do it just about every weekend right? Well, in three years that was the only time I’ve had my car up to that speed. Going fast does not impair your judgement, hand eye coordination, and reaction time like booze does.


Hey yougososlow. Remember when you raced a certain member here up to about 160+ on a highway? How is that any better? :hay:


you only kill yourself when you’re going that fast 9 times out of 10.

wait til one of your family members is dead because of a drunk driver. then defend it on the internet all you’d like. fucking clowns.


wow, i live how people jump over the drinking and driving threads in car forums. Your all telling me, you never had 3-4 beers in like an hour and a half, hoped in your car from bar/friends house after work and drove home?
If you have, then you can’t say shit


to that i say read this…


It don’t matter. Driving home after a few drinks is one thing. Playing around doing 90mph is another. Whatever. Your lives to have fun with, your lives to fuck up. Great words of wisdom by ugososlow.



one of my close friend died doin the same shit…and yes i have had 2 or 3 beers and drove home…(like mother teresa) not saying it was right and i wont defend it either but ill be damned if ill go 90mph and yes im an idiot… but your a complete fucking idiot and you need your head examined