Yo WTF this is disgusting and sick.

Really really fucked up vid… someone should definitely be tortured for this shit.

click at your own risk. It may or may not be NWS http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhusp95P5L3weeh4rB


Wow, almost doesnt even look real…

People are fucked up

i couldn’t fucking believe it when i saw it. no reason for that EVER. fucked up.

It doesnt tell the circumstances surrounding what happened though…so who knows what actually happened there…

meh i don’t really give a fuck what happened… motherfucker is holding that shit up celebrating!!!

Were they? It was tough to tell, i dont speak that language lol. Seemed like he was holding it up in an outrage, and the people were angry, but thats just teh way i took it…

Still fucked up for sure though!

that is the most disturbing thing i have ever seen

dude that is horrible and we fight for these scumbags

We fight for idots and they just kill each other. All our soldiers should be home by now. Protect or problems first.

haha what was it i cant watch it right now, wrnog place/time

oh the baby thing

no good !


cant even watch it.

EDIT: i lol’d at this related video

haha dick hills

I have seen worse.

Really nothing bad about that. I have witnessed worse in real life

looks like the child was caught in an explosion and the fire bured it

It would stop crying, wtf was I supposed to do?

the child was being brought to the medical relief center. It was in fact a tragedy of a bombing.

Still breaks my heart to see that

155,000 People die every day. 365 days a year.

hahaha :rofl:rofl