Boy, 5, doused in gas, set on fire by masked men

That is sad. i know it happend in ICrap, but come on. :meh2:

The page cannot be displayed

What the hell? Something about that headline is slightly humerous though.

[quote=“98 Red Ex,post:2,topic:34245"”]

The page cannot be displayed

What the hell? Something about that headline is slightly humerous though.


link fixed and i hope you, rethink that statement.

Yeah, I just got done reading that. How fucked up is that country…fucking low life ass clowns…

that is fucking disgusting. i will kill those dumb fuck asswipes.

[quote=“98 Red Ex,post:2,topic:34245"”]

Something about that headline is slightly humerous though.


what is funny about that? :mad:

mild compared to what Americans have done in the past

watch the entire documentary “White Light , Black Rain” on HBO on demand.

It makes me want to cry…as a mother it breaks my heart to think that some people can be so cruel to a sweet,innocent child.

Sounds about right for that shithole.

[quote=“98 Red Ex,post:9,topic:34245"”]

Sounds about right for that shithole.



I guess I’m not allowed to laugh at burning or burnt people on here, but LOL newman.

That’s Quang Duc.

He’s fucking badass as fuck.

“He’s become spiteful, I am not sure why,” said his mother

Well fuck, I have a theory!

[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:7,topic:34245"”]

mild compared to what Americans have done in the past

watch the entire documentary “White Light , Black Rain” on HBO on demand.


yes- under stood.i have not watched that documentary. i am thinking that you mean in a time of war these acts have been mad?not just random acts? BUT, you have to be out of your mind, just to walk up to a random child, put gas on, set fire, and run away.

[quote=“98 Red Ex,post:12,topic:34245"”]

I guess I’m not allowed to laugh at burning or burnt people on here, but LOL newman.


newman is not laughing (at least i dont think he is). and if he has no heart for this type of stuff like this.

newman= his own person and you = your own.

Ok, so accept who I am.


[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:7,topic:34245"”]

mild compared to what Americans have done in the past

watch the entire documentary “White Light , Black Rain” on HBO on demand.


Some people will argue that more people died during the incendiary raids on Tokyo and the ensuing firestorm.

Dresden is a similar case.

The difference is that in those cases they were targeting the whole area and not strictly a child.

I think he is referring to stupid shit thats done in America… Bumfights? Other random acts of violence? It isn’t that uncommon, just all of a sudden one case is in the news and people go crazy.