You all need to look at this


Even if u got ripped off. (which no one actually can prove) Feds arent gonna throw someone in jail. You will get fined. You would have to get everyone together . Have one huge ass lawsuit just to get anything. And most likely its just gonna be … Well u have to pay everyone back. Or big ass fine. I dont see jail time

About 10 guys on there getting 5+ years and that only took 30 seconds to find

wow didnt know that. Still got have alot of proof

sounds like someone is gonna need some soap on a rope

feds are trying to make mandatory jail time for certain dollar amounts…no offense the crxr2xl or whatever your name is, but there is a lot of proof that you are fucked and guilty.


everytime i try to click on that link my computer goes slower. whats up with that link

Just join that honda/acura site its worth a look.

takes 2 seconds to join. I was a member already tho. Takes 2 mins

Apparently my Yahoo account isn’t a valid e-mail address and my password is weak rofl!! Since when was high security standard on a Honda forum? somebody cut and paste this bullfuck shithead thread greddy2 !

some excerpts from said threads:

crazx2lvr44 posted that he had a b16a2 for sale in early december 05
i purchased it and he told me it was shipped out on 12/23/05 and it has yet to reach my house …he has tried to scam me out of $1,350 but i am contacting authorities …i would NOT advise anyone to buy anything from him
until further notice

THIS GUY IS A KNOWN SCAMMER ON SUPER HONDA! His username is VTEC93HATCH, and ripped someone off for a turbo kit!…=vtec93hat ch

Yo Eric Whats Really Good Wit My Shit Son, You’ve Been Online And Have Not Responded To My Pm’s, Whats Going On I Havent Received My Turbo Kit. Either My Money Or Turbo Kit A.s.a.p.

I dont care if it was 20 cents you stole alot of money from other users and only replied after you got caught. Why dont you man up and admit it

LOL…if he was so innocent why would he “sell things” and then refund the money…guilty as charged. Look up at the name on your bunk bed and pray it isn’t bubba’s name. Boo for you man! Internet thief, your the kind of person who makes the internet a shtty place and increase costs on ebay etc… b/c of enlarging their fraud investigations etc etc.

im just waiting for my 1500 from him. eric gimme a call. :slight_smile: