You are not a baller.... unless you live here:

Renowned Japanese architect Takuya Tsuchida was approached by a client to build a house on a 2,000-square-foot plot in suburban Tokyo with some very specific instructions. One, there had to be an atrium running up the middle of the house with a potted tree occupying the center. Two, there had to be a nine-car garage on premises to house the owner’s car collection. And three, he had to be able to see his prized ponies from the living room.

Goes to show that you don’t need a lot of space to have an amazing house. The inside is awesome. I’m not quite sure I like the outside all that much, though.

The only thing I don’t like is the car in the kitchen…lol. I mean, i love the car, just not the idea of it being in the kitchen. I guess if you wanted to show off your toys in such a way that your company would not be able to miss it, this would be a way of doing it.

The only thing I don’t really like is his dining room table and the stupid fucking piece of artwork that he overpaid for that’s hanging above it.

Other than that everything about it is awesome.

i cant stand being on top of neighbors, i love my yard

but then again japan is like 80% rocky terrain/mountainous area, to have a yard there he’d have to sell like 4 of his cars

Meh, there are nicer buildings, architecurally…nvm

That’s awesome.

saw this on the car lounge yesterday… def baller shit

I would have went bigger with the tree

Cars in kitchens are super fucking awesome.

I like the car idea but nothing else in that house suits my taste… at all.
It looks cold, awkward, and uncomfortable.

Neat idea, but certainly not for everyone. Also I’m guessing if you factor in the price tag most of us would choose something else.


I like the house and feel it’s a neat concept, but why would you put your fridge on the other side of hte room (and car) from the rest of the kitchen? That’s gotta make cooking a pain in the ass

Anyone notice the Louis Vuitton trunks… BALLIN!


It is cool, but I’d never want to live there.

so money CAN buy happiness.

What he said.

You actually think the owner cooks for himself to care?


the car thing is cool but the place doesn’t seem too “homey”