You can't get aids from fucking a hooker with a garbage bag....odyssey of a SC400


okay I have seen you plenty around

hmmm. Interesting

Ron, what about cf wrapping? like a nice looking 2x2 twill in the normal dark or the silver?

I really like the green color that it is. Would it be horrible to paint the car to match the wing lol

Personally, I’d say yes. I am not a fan of green 95% of the time. I think your car looks great in the pearl white. I really like it.

hey gurl hey…

Test fit. will look awesome once i paint it white

Wow looks awesome!

Quoting every picture because apparently it’s the thing to do.

Does anyone want to weld my diff on the cheap for me?

I’ll do it

just PM me ron heres pics of my work

Saw the wing inperson, it looks MUCH nicer in person vs in pics and it looks good in pics. totally shot it wit the same white as the car, Ron. or lets do it in CF? :slight_smile:

Why do I doubt that this is actually your work?

I’m serious i want this done

Because you’re a jerk.

or cause the first image i googled was the one you posted

Oh, yeah, I paid Google to do that.

$27300 for the MR2 Final offer

I’ll consider it. I was looking to get $30,000.

