You can't handle the hydrogen!

If this is a repost bite me, I searched on “Jack hydrogen”.

Here is an old video of Jack Nicholson with a hydrogen car that I stumbled on while searching hydrogen on youtube…

I have been learning more about hydrogen lately and it really seems to have potential but seeing a video this old and not having a larger hydrogen industry 30 years later shows the strangle hold the oil industry has on the world. Don’t tell me it is too expensive because virtually everything is expensive until it gets financial backing.

I think the fact that there have been so many scammers on hydrogen systems for cars indicates the potential.(Not saying scammers = truth but…)
There seems to be many break throughs but just as many “mythbusters” as well.

One of the first things you learn about hydrogen is how super clean it burns but we just need to find a way to produce it in a clean way. That is the big challange I guess. It is painfully simple to produce but takes a considerable amount of energy.


the whole explosive thing is pesky too, but could be managed.

I did read somewhere that all of the biggest explosions of the 20th century involved hydrogen, including Chernobyl. Eeek.

I think were pretty close.

I wouldn’t trust your sources.

That is the f’ing thing I hate about the internet, you don’t know what to believe but, being a cynic I don’t believe the other crap we are bing fed either.

exactly…i like multiple sources :slight_smile:

EDIT: and Chernobyl wasn’t really an large explosion but rather a meltdown/release of radioactive material

Did you happen to see Dateline or w/e about the hydrogen unit for cars that was a total scam? The guy was charging $300,000 per dealer to sell these units and they didn’t work… at all.

Im just saying, its already in production. Now if it has staying power, thats an entirely different animal.

Hydrogen is not an energy source. It is a method of energy transport just like electricity. You can’t mine it, you can’t harvest it, you can’t pump it out of the ground.

^Did you have a point? :slight_smile:
You can’t pump gasoline or diesel out of the ground either. Right?

I am not a tree hugger but if it makes sense, we should do it… on any issue.
The exhaust from a hydrogen car is water. It seems like a no-brainer to me but, I am not a scientist. lol

yea, my 2 biggest arguments against hyrdo (and most alternative energy sources).

Hydrogen is going to take massive amounts of electricity to produce from water. Unless we use more nuclear energy or cleaner energy sources, we aren’t really solving anything.

Also with almost any new energy source, it will require a massive overhaul to this country’s infrastructure. Not something companies will be too keen on spending billions on.

Enough of the suns rays hit the Earth in one week to supply the entire world with power for an entire year. That again seems like a no brainer to me but, again I am not a scientist. lol

That video does confirm one thing…Jack Nicholson was always creepy/weird…

Hydrogen is not as good as gasoline for combustion.
The only good way to make use of it for a car would be for electricity.

There are a lot more safety concerns once you start using pressurized hydrogen.
of course all the technical safety problems can be overcome.

You have no idea how much equipment is required for me to use H2 at work :frowning:
Praxair is extremely cautious about flammable gas safety.
Its one of those things I can’t imaging trusting to the general public.

Although… at one point, gas tanks were thought of as time bombs when they were 1st introduced. People thought it was impossible to safely store it on a vehicle.
I can already envision Hydrogen fights at gas stations.

I make hydrogen at home, safety schmafty.
Is that(hydrogen explosion) covered under homeowners. lol

Hi my garage is gone.
Did it burn?
No it is just… gone.

Everything has to start somewhere. I sure the same was said at some point while steam power was relevant in transport based applications.

I was working on a system that would have been located at a fill station.
Steam Methane Reforming.

Fry’s boss actually did most of the design work.
Here is a presentation. I probably will not get fired for posting it as I found it with google.

You may recognize this guys(Roy McAlister) voice from the mind blowing Larsen engine video…

This guy is somewhat goofy and the video is slow at times but it is an ineresting video.

Will you come over and make some in my garage?