you gotta be a real ass

wow…u sound brain washed…

and ya…what the fuck is gwb…a fucking idiot that prob. was pushed through harvard…and did coke…yes…r president cant even win a spelling bee with 3rd graders!!! :doh:

wow can you say sore loser. I can’t believe you would rather have 2 defense lawyers in office than Bush

I hope you are being sarcastic.

Plus do you really think that planes flying around and sticking into shit like a missle help the economy at all? Thats when it really took a trun downwards and if you want to get technically that shit all started during the clinton years.

:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:
We’ve got one of the biggest thinkers in the history of the USA in charge at the moment and he’s absolutely making shit happen. Mark my words, he’ll be one the all time greats when history reviews him…believe me now, believe me later…

all time great…ehhh we’ll see but your definetly on the right track with that statement :bigthumb:

I agree he will go down in history, but as a dumbass who made the rest of the world hate us even more than they did, invading a country with no motive, and being a general fuckup for 8 years.

:blanyer: HA HA… he is the problem…

sarcasm = teh win i’m a believer in standard economy cycles not presidential influences being a problem

first smart thing you said in months :finger:

i’ve been saying that for 4 years

come on…what is bush…a dip shit that has no knowledge of anything…a idiot that got pushed through harvard…a dumbfuck that cant spell a country…soo he blows it up…i can see it…him in like the 9th grade…spelling bee…

george bush please spell iraq


no thats wrong…

bush thinking to himself…im giong to blow that place up someday

you know what, you’re totally right…ok you’re the pres now go ahead an run a country. you can spell but the hell if you got foreign relations skills

it was a joke…

but for real…what kind of foreign relations does he have??? hes a fucking idiot that screws up more…and u guys say would u rather have a lawyer…wtf…america voted in a god damn movie actor before…id rather have a lawyer than an actor

go tell him that

ya b/c me and him are real close…ill tell him that during dinner tonite…:rolleyes:

good, i dunno bout you but i hate it when someone tells me how to do my job when he’s not even through college yet

i cant believe you make it though the day without forgetting to breathe.


strange…when did i say for him how to do his job…im just saying…i hate him…i think hes an idiot…and that we could have someone much better in office thats all…please tell me where i said this is how he should do somthing…please

you’re complalingin he doesn’ tknow anythign and can’t spell…hell ican’t spell right now either (and can’t type to save my life) doesn’t mean a whole lot