
did it

one tire kicker down,one to go!!! :hitit:



finish the smiley…

more excuses ricer boy!!! :smiley:



it is true i witnessed it.

congrats Eric.

roland and silver i inventory the car…so dont think about taking something

take or borrow? BUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA :beer: :smiley:

congrads eric…

happy for ya

:bigok: :bigok: :bigok:

i am putting a pittbull with aids in the pole building to guard


eric, what did I tell you about spreading the hiv to innocent animals :stick:

thats only sheep

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

to late ,its in peices!!!

congrats on the purchase Slow! :mullet: :beer:

did I miss something? whats goin on?

whos the other tire kicker ?? :rofl: :dunno:

i bought a car finally of jjs